14 June 2012, USA (Acedrugstore.com): A recent research study takes everyone by surprise by concluding that not every individual will show beneficial signs from undergoing regular exercise routine. The study proved that a small 7% individuals form exceptions to the exercise rule, as they have been found to be linked with an increased risk of diabetes or heart on exercising.
The study analyzed the data obtained from various studies affiliated to exercises and compared the effect of regular exercise in approximately 1,687 individuals. It was carried out with the aim of establishing a relation of the adverse effects experienced by the participants on exercising.
The research has strongly led the foundation that the nature of response of different individuals is different with regard to exercises and their risk factors pertaining to heart health and diabetes.
The study took into account the routine variation observed after exercising and also the aggravation of the risk factor caused due to exercise, beyond a certain predetermined limit. Claude Bouchard, professor of nutrition and genetics was the main author of the research, under whose guidance the research was carried out.
The study opposed the current guidelines related to public health, which say that a particular individual should undergo either 75 minutes of rigorous exercise per week or a 150 minutes moderate physical activity on a weekly basis.
Various parameters such as fasting levels of insulin, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol and systolic blood pressure for a period of three weeks and found that 7% of the individuals experienced adverse effects associated with risk factors. No relation was obtained between men and women and also among blacks and whites.
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