Go for regular exercise three hours in a week,you will become younger than what you are !
Recent researches in the King institute of London by the medical experts have embarked upon a research programme, according to which a division of the people who underwent rigorous exercise for three hours in a week to the extent of perspiring, were found to have been healthy with no chances of heart disease, cancer,diabetes etc. And they were found nine years younger than what they were in their age.Other peoples who did lesser number of hours of exercise with one and a half hours per week, were found to be younger than 4 years.To those people who underwent just 15 minutes of exercise were found to have no change.
According to the researchers,the vigourous exercise actually lengthened the ‘telomier’, a structure responsible for safeguarding the genes.Hence, let us go for regular exercises atleast three hours in a week and keep ourself young.
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