Prominent experts and civil society members have warned about the possible derailment of the ongoing peace process in Nepal should the Maoists, the largest after the Constituent Assembly poll, be prevented from forming the government.
Daman Nath Dhungana, advocate and the Chairman of the Peace and Conflict Management Committee said that there should be some kind of common minimum program to include the Maoists in the alliance government.
Another civil society member Nilambar Acharya, also a constituent assembly member and constitutional expert, said that the peace process would be successful only if a new constitution can be produced on the basis of the decade-long armed insurgency and 12-point agreement. Acharya also agreed on the need of a common minimum program for running a joint government.
Conflict and arms management expert, also a Constituent Assembly member, said that other parties were trying to isolate Maoists by forming a rightist alliance. He expressed the view that should the major political parties boycott the Maoists at this juncture, it will be extremely difficult to take the peace process to a logical end through the management of arms and People’s Liberation Army.
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