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Facebook friendships continue to fail as grounds for removing judges, jury verdicts

Venkat Balasubramani recently posted on Eric Goldman’s blog about a series of cases concerning Facebook friendships and posts and whether they can serve as an appropriate basis for recusal. The takeaways? Mere relationships are irrelevant, but posts which convey an impression of influence outside the courtroom may suffice.

Can Facebook friendships serve as an appropriate basis for recusal?

Clore v. Clore, 2013 WL 3242821 (Ala. Civ. App. June 28, 2013) – Recusal denied by appellate court as moving party offered nothing more than “bare status of the parties’ daughter as a friend of the judge.”

The trial court offered an interesting tidbit as well stating, “[Facebook] is a social networking site where the word ‘friend’ is used [in a way] that doesn’t have anything to do with the way before this Facebook.com ever existed- the way we used the word ‘friend’…”

Lacy v. Lacy, 320 Ga. App. 739 (Ga. Ct. App. Mar. 25, 2013) – Recusal of all judges denied in child custody case where non-moving party’s father was Chief Judge, and non-moving party wrote comment on moving party’s wall evidencing bias: “[J]udge [P]arrott and my dad ha[d] a meeting the week before our case and guess what you lost your kids.” Despite the appearance of improper influence, the court rejected the comment as evidence of facts requiring recusal saying the Chief Judge was not a party to the case, and the comment does not show that the judge “gleaned any personal knowledge of the facts involved…from [the meeting].”

Domville v. Florida – Recusal granted where a public display of friendship on social media conveyed an impression that a lawyer was in a position of influence over the judge. In many ways this is similar to the previous case, but with a different result. The author of the above-reference blog article opines possible explanations to distinguish the two cases.

For more information on social media law: http://www.kk-llp.com/144-Social-Media-Law




Darin Klemchuk: Darin Klemchuk, the firm's founder and managing partner, focuses on all aspects of intellectual property with empahsis on patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret litigation. He has successfully handled more than 200 intellectual property disputes, including over 20 patent infringement cases. His practice includes assisting companies to increase their market share and protect their competitive advantage by identifying and protecting valuable branding, technological innovation, software, and other property, and by procuring patent, trademark, and copyright restrictions and through employment agreements and non-compete agreements. He also advises clients on licensing, acquisitions, due diligence, and e-Commerce, including branding in cyberspace and trademark issues related to the Internet. In addition, he also assists clients in recovering domain names taken by cyber-squatters. Darin represents Fortune 500 corporations, growing companies that benefit from broad intellectual property counseling, and startup companies. Darin also offers to serve as Virtual General Counsel and Virtual IP Counsel for companies without in-house counsel. Darin has significant experience litigating commercial and business disputes, including non-compete, partnership, fiduciary duty, and breach of contract disputes. He has also represented a number of clients in obtaining and resisting requests for injunctive relief in cases involving non-competes, trade secrets, trademarks, and patents. Serving as local counsel to out-of-state parties involved in patent, trademark, copyright, IP and commerical litigation in state and fedarl courts in Dallas, Texas and the Northern and Eastern District of Texas federal courts, Darin's practice includes representing both plaintiffs and defendants. Darin earned a J.D. from Vanderbuilt University School of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington. Contact Darin Klemchuk at Darin.Klemchuk@kk-llp.com
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