Facts on Blood and Blood Donation

Blood Components

Your blood is simply the liquid wherein the blood cells are suspended. Blood plasma forms the liquid portion of your blood. Blood cells suspended in your plasma includes:

1)    Red blood cells (RBC): Responsible for carrying oxygen;
2)    White blood cells (WBC): Responsible to fight with microorganisms like bacteria, virus etc. Prevents infection; and
3)    Blood platelets: Responsible to arrest bleeding from wounds.
Hematologists (Blood Bank specialists) will group your blood into three most standard type of grouping i.e, ABO grouping. This standard grouping is based on the presence of protein coat in RBC on its surface. The four possible bllod groupings are:

1)    A Presence of A protein), A proteins have some more variation and based on this there are:

a)    A1 (Presence of A1 protein)
b)    A1 B (Presence of A1B protein)
c)    A2 (Presence of A2 protein)
d)    A2 B (Presence of A2B protein)

2)    B (Presence of B protein),

3)    AB (Presence of AB protein)and

4)    O (Absence of protein)

Further classification of A1 and A2 blood groups is judged by the presence or absence of another protein called Rh factor. If the Rh factor is present the blood is called positive and if the Rh factor absent then it will grouped as negative. Accordingly we will get the following groupings:

1)    A1 Negative
2)    A1 Positive
3)    A1B Negative
4)    A1B Positive
5)    A2 Negative
6)    A2 Positive
7)    A2B Negative
8)    A2B Positive
9)    B Negative
10)    B Positive
11)    O Negative
12)    O Positive

Be a Pride Blood Donor

Donation of Blood saves human life. Several hospitals need blood to save accident victims or to treat the patient with surgery. The golden hour for the ailing patient is immediate treatment. It will be in most of the occasions possible with the donation of blood.
Your Blood Donation will be useful to:

1)    Replace blood lost during accidents
2)    Replace blood lost surgeries
3)    Infuse blood to patients suffering from Von Willebrand’s disease or haemophilia.
4)    Tansfuse blood to increase the level of  hemoglobin and save patients suffering from kidney diseases, cancer and anaemia.
5)    Save the life of the burns patients by supporting with bllood plasma.


Who can donate Blood? You can donate blood if you are:

1)    aged between 18 and 60 years of age.
2)    healthy with not less than 12.5 g/dl in haemoglobin count
3)    adequately weighing 45 kg or above
4)    running normal body temperature
5)    normal BP
6)    free from diseases

at the time of donation

You cannot donate blood if you are:

1.    a chronic patient with disease like asthma, blood disorders, heart disease, kidney disease, liver problems etc.
2.    suffering from HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis etc.
3.    infected with jaundice, malaria, typhoid, rubella etc.
4.    intoxicated with alcohol within 24 hours prior to donation
5.    a drug addict
6.    experienced miscarriage or abortion.
7.    undergoing your menstrual cycle.
8.    pregnant or lactating women
9.    recovering from surgical treatment.
10.    under high dose of antibiotics or steroid therapy or hormone supplement therapy

There is absolutely no suffering due to blood donation. Instead your bone marrows will produce new cells. You can donate blood  exactly 350 ml at any one time of donation. You have 5-6 litres of blood in your body. You reequip the loss within one or two days. Your hemoglobin count will become normal by 56 days. For the time to allow your body regain hemoglobin you are discouraged to donate blood. Therefore you should not donate blood within three months.

Your blood donation process will be completed within 5 – 10 minutes. Before that you may have to undergo physical examination including BP, sugar level etc. The total blood donation will be over within 30 minutes. After the donation you will gave some refreshments and soft drinks.

Blood Donated
will be tested for the presence of HIV, Hepatitis B & C, Syphilis, Malaria etc. The Blood Bank will group and preserve your blood in ready to transfuse form. They may sometimes preserve blood components like RBC, platelets or plasma.

R MUTHUSAMY: I am a freelance writer. I much interested to COMMUNICATE: listen more, speak less, mingle with this community, enjoy fun, read (topics ranging from scientific to spiritual), write, and remain silent.. (introvert?). Please add me as your Friend...

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