What Your Favorite Essential Oil Says About You

Essential oils are great aids for spicing up your life. Just add couple of drops on your body, in your food or your bath water and your entire mood will change. Fragrances have the power to alter our brain in wonderful and unexpected ways. Each person perceives essential oils differently, so there is a lot to experience with them. At the same time, based on someone’s favorite essential oil, one can learn a lot about that person.

Essential oils are made by distillation, a process which preserves the core fragrances and properties of the plant from which the oil is extracted. Aromatherapy is the most common way to use essential oils, as everything you have to do is choose a high quality oil diffuser and enjoy the smells. However, essential oils can be used in many more ways, including external application and ingestion.

Before you go out there and add couple of drops of essential oils in your salad, make sure the product is organic and FDA approved, as not all essential oils are edible.

All in one, a person’s relationship with essential oils is pretty intimate, so it’s only natural that your preference for a certain essential oil can say a lot about who you are.


Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular fragrances and it’s loved for it’s calming effects. People who love this essential oil are able to relax and help those around them feel good and relax on their own.


Peppermint leaves a strong impression on anyone who uses it. It’s refreshing aroma can be used to refresh one’s breath or cool down the skin. People who use peppermint essential oil are just as strong as it, leaving strong impressions on those around them. Someone who uses peppermint essential oil can’t go unnoticed, not only due to the fragrance, but also for their temperament.

Lemon and grapefruit

Lemon essential oil blends well with most other oils and provides a comforting feeling, while being invigorating. People who love citric essential oils are dynamic and love to multitask. They always provide a fresh perspective and great at giving effective advice to friends and family. They are also characterized by lots of energy.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its beneficial effects on the skin. Those who prefer this essential oil have a high level of awareness and are able to take good care of their loved ones.


People who love eucalyptus essential oil are just as sharp as its smell. They are able to look at the situations with high clarity and this makes them valuable members of teams. The individuals who rely on eucalyptus essential oil are fond of natural remedies, so they are not likely to be seen in a pharmacy.

When you reach towards a bottle of essential oil you are usually trying to alter how you feel at the moment. However, each person has his or her own favorite scents, which can be used as base for a large number of mixtures, such as massage lotions, mix of essential oils and so on. Even if you love one essential oil, most of the times you will be using it in a mix, along with other oils, so just feel free to experience with different recipes.

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