Female Sexual Response and G-spot

This article will teach you all about how women respond to sexual situations and some topics about the G-Spot. A part where you can stimulate it to give your partner quicker orgasm.

Female Sexual Response

The famous sex researchers, William Masters and Virginia Johnson, were the first to outline the four stages of sexual response in human beings. These stages apply to both men and women, but each gender experiences the stages differently. Men typically race through the stages faster than women do, but that’s only on average.

In some situations, women may be ready for orgasm much faster than a man. We’ll look at each of the stages as they occur in women and we’ll tell you what signs to watch for so you’ll be able to determine when your partner is ready for the next stage.

Stage 1 – Excitement

* This is one of the easiest stages to reach for both men and women. A woman can become excited just by smelling your cologne or having your hand brush against her breasts. She can become excited by fantasizing about sexual encounters or by flirting with you during dinner. In fact, during the average date, women may become excited ten to fifteen times. Most of those times do not lead to the next level, however.

* The female body responds to this stage in very specific ways. Let’s go through some of those physical signs of excitement:

* Her nipples become erect

* Her vagina starts becoming lubricated

* Her clitoris begins to swell and grow larger

* The inner parts of her vagina begin to expand

* Her breasts may even increase in size if she becomes highly aroused

* These are not the only physical signs, but these are probably the ones you or her may notice. Notice that during this early stage, her vagina is already becoming lubricated. Many men have the mistaken notion that this is a sign that a woman is ready to engage in intercourse. That is not the case. A lubricated vagina only means a woman is aroused. All of these signs do suggest, however, that her body is preparing for the possibility of sex.


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