First Lady of San Francisco in “threesome” sex scene

Washington, Feb 26 : Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, has created headlines with her raunchy threesome sex scene.

The First Lady had made the indie flick ‘The Trouble With Love’ before she met her husband, and now it has landed in the hands of Warner Bros. for an "on demand" and limited theatre release on February 27.

"It is going to cause quite a stir as people aren’t used to seeing a political figure like this," Fox News quoted director Gene Rhee as saying.

"But I just hope people judge her (Jennifer) for her amazing performance not for her political associations," Rhee said.

The heartfelt film presents a quartet of vignettes on a disparate group of young adults exploring the trials and tribulations that come with falling and staying in love.

According to Rhee, Newsom’s explicit role involves an "eye-popping and racy" sex scene that involves hallucinations and which turns into a threesome with a twist.

"It’s always a little awkward (filming intimate scenes) but I’m a dancer and an athlete so I have a more tomboy figure so I just went for it," Newsom admitted.

"The film was a challenge, but fun," she stated.

As for what her hubby thinks about the sex scene, the actress revealed that he is not at all perturbed by it.

"Gavin jokes about and teases me and says he’ll have to approve all scripts from now on," Newsom said.

"His Grandmother was actually an actress so he has a very strong affinity to the arts," she added.

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