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Fishing Boat Accident Increases Tension over Disputed Islands

Posted by Portnoy to Global Voices Online


On June 11st, a Taiwanese recreational fishing boat United sank following a collision with a Japanese coastguard vessel 11km off the disputed Diaoyutai (Japan:Senkaku) islands, an island chain claimed by Taiwan, Japan and China. Passengers and crew on the sinking boat picked up by Japan. Shortly, Taiwanese main stream media highly concerned the accident. Political talk shows and call-in programmes, in particular, ardently discussed the accident and the long-standing sovereign dispute over Diaoyutais. Meanwhile, issues of complicated sovereign claims and fishing rights challenged the newly elected president Ma Ying-Jeou and his government. In his youth, president Ma passionately defended Taiwan’s claim to the Diaoyutais. He also blasted former DPP President Chen shui-Bian whose attitude is not constructive enough on the issue of soverign claims. The accident, however, occurred in a sensitive timing while talks between Taiwanese and China officials were taking place. After being in power, President Ma, his government and the Chinese nationalist party KMT which President Ma belongs to championed better bilateral relations by increasing contact and interchange with China and resuming negotiations. Relations between Japan and China have long been influenced by disagreement over the Second Sino-Jpanaese War history. Japan wondered how the Taiwan-China relations will develop and following influences on Japan itself, regional power balance and economics. . Although Taiwan, China and Japan all claim sovereignty over the Diaoyutais, it is recognized that Japan has jurisdiction. Handling the accident intertwined these historical, political and economic issues is more prickly. As a consequence, for Taiwan, the sovereign dispute is not only an inevitable task, but a pending problem.

Many Taiwanese politicians insisted on being harsh to Japan while dealing with the accident and the sovereign dispute. Premier Liu Chao-shiuan said during a interpellation session in parliament that he would not rule out going to war with Japan, if Taipei and Tokyo fail to resolve the dispute over the Diaoyutai islands through diplomatic actions . The tension situation between Taipei and Tokyo happening in a sudden made Taiwanese bloggers feel shocked and ridiculous. Bloggers from various political spectrum expressed their opinions and comments on this accident. Political positions which the following quotations represent will not be named and leave them for readers to decide.
Da-Dou cited coverage of this accident from Japanese media and mentioned that Japan deemed that this is just a accident and no need to pay much attention to cover it. Compared with the relatively balanced way which Japanese covered the accident, Taiwanese media quoted a overwhelming majority of statements from Taiwanese fishing boat crew and officials. He questioned, Does it really the truth, as the fishing boat skipper claimed, that the fishing boat was deliberately rammed until sank by a Japanese coastguard vessel ?

相較於日本媒體,台灣媒體並沒有對於另一方當事人的說詞作任何查證或基本的平衡報導。只是單方面強調船長的說法,並沒有作到客觀中立。 …………………

"Compared with Japanese Media, Taiwanese media is unbalanced in reporting the accident, which only adopted statements from the skipper of the sinking Taiwanese finishing boat without any investigations, and simply ignored statements from Japan, the other side involved in this accident. Taiwanese media did not reach objectivity and neutral……………….."


娛樂漁業漁船活動時間全天二十四小時開放。但每航次以四十八小時為限。 娛樂漁業漁船活動區域以臺灣本島及澎湖週邊二十四浬內及彭佳嶼、綠島、蘭嶼週邊十二浬內為限。


"Whether the Diaoyutais are a port of Taiwan’s territory or not, the recreational fishing boat United apparently broke the law. According to the article 24 of the Regulations of Recreational fishery

"Activity schedule for recreational fishing vessel is opened 24 hours a day. The limit for each sequence of voyages however, is 48 hours.’, and ‘Activity region limits to 24 miles surrounding Taiwan and Peng Hu, and within 12 miles around Pen Jia islet, Green island, and Lan Yu ‘.

"That is to say, it is illegal for a ‘recreational’ fishing boat like the United to go as far as 90 nautical miles nearby the Diaoyutai islands. Further, according to fishery operator handed in to the authority before the recreational fishing boat United launch forth, a data table of recreational fishery craft navigating plan was agreeable to what they actually did. Actually, this is not the first time for the United to do so against the law."

pau points out that regardless of claiming sovereignty over the DiaoYuTai Islands, Japan have to take responsibility for the sank boat following a collision with a Japanese coast guard patrol boat:

回頭來看這次聯合號事件,日方絕對沒有任何理由跟立場扣留船上任何人。聯合號上插的是中華民國國旗,不是日本國旗,船上所 有人都 是中華民國國民。姑且不論釣魚台爭議,日方撞沉我方船隻就是侵犯我方主權,插著我方旗幟的船隻,就等於中華民國領土,豈能容日本人將之撞沉。撞沉我方船艦 扣留我方人員,視我方主權為何物?

"Going over this unexpected incident, there is no excuse or ground for Japan to detain anyone from that fishing boat. The flag hung on “United” is of Republic of China, not of Japan, not to mention the fact that all passengers on that boat are citizens of ROC. Besides, the boat with our flag hanging on is regarded as a part of the territory of Repubic of China. Aside the long-standing sovereignty dispute over the islands, Japan offends our sovereignty while ramming the boat hanging with our national flag. This is unacceptable! . Do they ever consider sovereignty issues while ramming our boat to sink and detained our citizens?"

Yu-WenHuan see the Boxers in Taiwan in this event:

台灣民意代表們鋪排的抗日秀 真是精彩絕倫 從高呼不惜一戰 送霹靂幹員護漁 要國防部長開飛機去繞一圈 進而升高軍事對峙都有 兩位聲望最低的部長—外交部和國防部 這下好不容易找到可以翻身的機會 都是狠話、大話盡出 因為再沒有比愛國心 更便宜、更方便販賣的道具了 越遠離戰場 人就越好戰

"The anti-Japan show arranged by those representatives is fantastic. Those actions include claiming “War if necessary”, sending SWAT to protect fishers, asking the minister of National Defense to fly to the islands, and rising the military situation. The ministers of Foreign Affairs and National Defense, which is in the status of lowest reputation, now have the opportunity to change the situation. Their tones are high and words are touch, because nothing is cheaper and easy-for-selling than patriotism. People are militant when they are away from the battlefield."

Xiao Ming in NanFangSao school appealed everyone to face the music:

聯合號不是「漁船」,不是一般漁民去捕魚,是向釣客收錢載人出海釣魚去。這種攬客出海釣魚的營利船,居然可以到處走透透到 處去享 受姜太公釣魚樂趣,怪也不怪?這次沒被日本修理,會不會哪一天他跑到北極去賞北極熊呀!!現在是怎樣?「四海一家」,你家就是我家嗎??怎麼可以這麼自由 呀!什麼「海洋國家」,我棉的船老大早就這麼做了~>_<~ 釣魚台是台灣的?我的感覺,這種說法和「東起烏蘇里江、黑龍江…西到帕米爾高原噴赤河,南到增母暗砂……都是中華民國固有疆域」的說法,還真 的有異曲同工之妙。乾脆說月球、火星也是中華民國領土不是更好??

“United” is not a fishing boat and (the crew on the boat) are not normal fishers. Instead they make money from driving passengers out for fishing. This kind of boats goes everywhere to enjoy fun of fishing. Don’t you feel that weird? If they were not rammed by a Japanese coast guard patrol boat this time, would they go to Arctic for seeing polar bears next time? Now what, “The world is one family”, and your home is mine as well? How could they be so free? When people calls for “Taiwan is a country of ocean”, I think those who are on “United” have already achieved that ~>_<~. For those claim “DiaoYuTai Islands belongs to Taiwan”, I think that is very similar to the saying that “The territory of Republic of China reaches east to Wusuli river and Heilongjiang River, west to the Pamirs and Panj River, south to TzengMoo sand…”. Why don’t they just say that the moon and the Mars also belong Republic of China?

Whereas, Walter discusses that Taiwaneses like to treat themselves as slavery. He feels sad for Taiwaneses’ weakness and lacking of dignity.:

我當然覺得上戰場打仗真是人生最大悲哀 可能一槍就被不知道哪來的流彈爆頭而死、也可能一顆炸彈就讓你灰飛煙滅? Than? 所以台灣該把戰爭這個選項移除? 我也怕死,我也想組美好家庭、簡簡單單到老。 但台灣人真的如此沒有尊嚴? 別忘了,台灣對釣魚台在憲法上是劃為”國土”的。

"Of course, in my opinion, going to war is the most sorrowful thing in human’s life. People could die just by a blind bomb or a bullit. For this reason, than, should Taiwan remove going to war as a opinion? I am afraid of losing my life. I just want to have a simple family and simple days for rest of my life. However, how about dignity as a Taiwan? Do bear in mind, according to the Constitution, the DiaoYuTai islands are part of our territory."

katana from Hong Kong supposed the hidden reasons causing the accident are not that easy:

這一撞,可能是日本鷹派跟台灣那批不想眼見國民黨跟中共之熱擁情況的在野派,暗手出招,陷你馬英九 一個政治危機,小馬哥強則得罪日本,不強又跟不上中國對此事件的強烈回應。中國此次如此強和快反應向日本罵,明顯跟暖春時態度不統調,可見又是中國鷹派給 胡、溫的一個回馬槍。

"This accidental collision could be a trap secretly set by Japanese war hawks and out-of- power politicians in Taiwan who are not willing to see KMT and CPP allied. It meant to drag President Ma Ying-Jeou into a political crisis. President Ma’s attitude could not be too strong to rile Tokyo. However, if his attitude was not strong enough, he would fell behind Beijing’s burning reactions to this accident. Beijin immediately and strongly condemned Tokyo on this accident, which is apparently different from attitude showing on the ‘warm spring’ meeting. It is thus clear that Chinese war hawks attempt to give Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao a back thrust."

On official website of Ma Ying-Jeou’s presidential campaign, wiixdhsu said we should be harsh to Japan. Why not just set the Diaoyutai islands as a sightseeing spot officially recommended by Taiwanese government:

日本這國吃軟不吃硬,對於捍衛主權的做法應該在行動要更強硬一點,舉南韓為例,日本也宣稱獨(竹)島他們擁有主權,可是南 韓採取 強烈作法捍衛主權加派巡邏艦巡邏,最後甚至開放民眾遊客到獨(竹)島觀光,獲得人民一致支持,日本毫無辦法。我們政府應該規劃開放陸客來台並且也將釣魚台 納入旅遊景點,派巡邏艦巡邏,徹底捍衛釣魚台主權,我相信此舉一定能獲得兩岸三地的民眾全面支持。

"Japan always yield to soft approaches but reject force. However, we should apply even more get-tough actions to protect our sovereignty . Let’s take south Korea as the best example. Both Japan and South Korea claimed sovereignty over the Liancourt Rocks (Japan: Takeshima, Korea: Dokdo). South Korea took tough actions, sending petrol vessels and even allowed tourists to visit. South Korea people generally supported these actions. Finally, Japan can not do a thing to these. Our government should include the Diaoyutais as a recommended sightseeing spot while planning to allow Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan. Moreover, sending coastguard vessels patrolling territorial waters nearby the Diaoyutai islands is necessary. We have to firmly claim our sovereignty by taking these actions. I believe these actions must be supported by people from the great China area."

BillyPan doubts that Politicians just have very short-term period passion on the issue of DiaoYutai islands:

愛田友,蒼井空,穗花,小澤瑪利亞,麻美來台灣當Show Girl,台灣人馬上就忘記釣魚台在那裏了。

"If Japanese AV (adult video) actresses Yua Aida, Sora Aoi , Honoka, Maria Ozawa and Asami were invited to Taipei as show girls, Taiwanese would immediately never think of where the DaioYuTai Islands are."

There is a funny prank on a photo of former ROC president and military dictator Chiang Kai-shek , which is created and published by a user of the popular scrabbling website VeryXD. It is somehow funny , while looking at the added words says “The DiaoYuTai islands cannot be given to Japanese.” with Chiang’s bluesy emotional expression.

In the end, I would like to conclude with lovelvislate’s helpless words and painting. His post, I believe, also represents thoughts of many Taiwanese.

釣魚台不是台灣的,也不是中華民國的,因為我們從來沒有保衛過它, 馬總統也別再說屁話了,我們不可能保衛它,也不可能為它與日本一戰,不可能的。 ………………… 如果是別的國家的漁船靠近釣魚台,日本是不可能如此的,我們必須面對現實, 就是我們很好欺負,個性溫和,總是逆來順受。

"Taiwan has never had sovereignty over the DiaoYuTai Islands, neither has Republic of China. President Ma, please do not say stupid shit anymore. We can impossibly protect the DiaoYuTai, but fight against Japan for these islands, either. Impossible. …… If there was a fishing boat of a country’s other than Taiwan approaching the DiaoYuTai Islands, Japan would not do the same over it. The reality we must to face is that we are easily to get bullied –we always bear bullies for our moderate manner."

我們必須面對現實,我們所有的不安都是來自不面對現實,現實是—我們不是一個國家, 我們沒有主權獨立,只有內政獨立,我們的軍隊,是名符其實的自慰隊。 美國也不可能會保衛台灣,美國、日本與中國都不承認中華民國的存在。 別傻了,釣魚台從不是我們的,忘了它吧。

"The fact leads to the reality, where all our agitations come from. The fact is that Taiwan is just a political entity dealing with domestic affairs independently, not an independent county having sovereignty over itself. Our army veritably can do is a self-consolation, not self-defense. The U.S. can definitely not send their troops to protect Taiwan, either. Anyhow, the U.S., Japan and People’s Republic of China deny recognizing Taiwan is a sovereign state. Therefore, Don’t be silly- Taiwan has never had sovereignty over the DiaoYuTai Islands. Forget it!"

Global Voices: Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens’ media project founded at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, a research think-tank focused on the Internet’s impact on society. Global Voices seeks to aggregate, curate, and amplify the global conversation online - shining light on places and people other media often ignore. We work to develop tools, institutions and relationships that will help all voices, everywhere, to be heard.
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