Food Security threatened by the Lack of Government Comprehensive Support Program

RP’s food security is in serious situation after news of rice shortage had caused anxiety among the people. The rice crisis is the daily topics in all media organizations since last February 2008. And the government looked unimpressive in their delayed reaction which obviously did not appease the growing apprehensions and worries of the masses.

The problem of rice had been in existence for decades which were overlooked by the past and present administrations. Every time the government changed, policy issues also changed. All the while politicos forgot the gargantuan task of improving the country’s economic woes and the nation’s food security.

One of the most neglected parts of the country’s economic wealth is agriculture. Before, the Philippines were exporting rice to her neighbors but now it’s the other way around. Agricultural land management was not sustained; irrigation canals were left to deteriorate; modern farming methods failed to commence because of insufficient government support programs; the lack of post harvest facilities and farm to market roads that would possibly help sustain the farmers’ rice productions.

As a result, the country missed the “bandwagon of success” where Thailand and Vietnam alternates as frontman in the driver seat in rice productions. Ironically the two, especially Thailand was once sent their bright students in the Philippines to study agriculture and related courses which they applied in their country with great success.

mr oldtowner: I am a man of advocacy who believes in equality, freedom and world peace.
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