Well being is achieved through natural and nontoxic means to achieve health. MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Right now the globalist big vaxx push is the center of the conspiracy to enslave you. Drugs called vaccinations are “Not” the answer to a problem that does not exist, except through the media hype of fear. Citizens deserve freedom of choice in vaccinations. Every vaccination of a child or an adult that is required by State constitutes involuntary medical Intervention and violates the most basic principle of self-determination: the right to determine what happens to your own body. The Right to Refuse is a cornerstone of any definition of personal Liberty since without it Liberty dissolves.
The drug companies, the press, and medical protocol have misrepresented vaccinations. Medications and vaccinations are drugs. Drugs are poison. The body can heal itself without drugs. Dr. Tilden in his book, Toxemia: The Basic Cause of Disease, states: Dreadful afflictions do not “plague us If we are plagued by disease, it is of our own building; and all we need to do to get back to comfort and health is to quit building disease; then our subconscious self gets busy cleaning house…And when the truth is known that healing or the power to throw off disease and get well is wholly within the subconscious and is personal, we will know that curing and palliating by the administration of remedies—drugs, serums, vaccines, surgery, feeding to keep up the strength, etc. — are superfluous, meddlesome, and on the order of throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery. (p.39)
16 cases of measles does not require a country of a drugged population where there is not even any research to support the safety of the vaccination. It is a normal illness without any real problems and builds its own immunity from having had the illness. What is happening right now in America is not about measles or public health.
In addition, to enchain us, it is about a $100 Billion Vaccine Market in 2025 Featuring Many New Vaccines. Medicine is about money and inciting fear to use them. Bills in 12 States to Eliminate Non-Medical Vaccine Exemptions are leaving only a very narrow medical exemption that most people cannot get.
Dr. John Rengen Virapen, an executive for 35 years, who became a whistle blower from Eli Lilly & Co, says on his video on You Tube that drugs have killed more people than wars. His comment was that they purposely avoid the negative side effects in their information. The medical field is all about pushing people to buy drugs and it is not about health, he states. In addition, a whistleblower from the CDC is warning people that the CDC left out negative consequences from his research at the center.
In addition, I encourage you to view the movie, “Bought” to see horrific consequences. Now the government has stopped any litigation for damages; therefore, there is no liability from the drug companies. They will make a fortune while we are dying or seriously harmed from their science project. There is no justice for damaging effects. The public is learning that vaccinations are not as helpful as we are lead to believe by the media, CDC, government, and medical protocol.
It is not only a health issue but also a constitutional rights concern. “We consider this an assault on human rights,” said Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, a nonprofit charity she co-founded with parents of vaccine injured children, said public health officials underestimate the risk of vaccine injuries because they haven’t studied the effects of combining so many vaccines in single patient visits. Under the current immunization schedule recommended by the CDC, Fisher said a child could get 25 to 35 vaccines in its first year of life.”
I do not choose to drink the Kool-aid being offered by force as followers did on November 18, 1978 at the Jonestown circumstances. People are waking up to not wanting to drink the poison, but to live a toxic free life. So thinking you are helping people to be safe is inaccurate. You are actually perpetuating their demise from chemicals in the vaccinations.
I almost died from medicines that were to help me. My body’s system can not handle more drugs. I became addicted and now after being off all prescriptions for 14 years, to take any drug is to die.
My choice and for my family’s health is to experience well being through non-toxic holistic methods. Alternative health procedures are becoming more common in addressing illness and are very effective. More doctors are moving into different methods to find the root cause of the condition rather than superficially covering the circumstances with unnecessary medications.
Recent news: 75 % of children who received vaccines in Mexican town now dead or hospitalized.