Categories: Opinion

Freedom and Liberty

      Freedom and liberty what do those words mean? Are there universally understood and excepted meanings for these words? The dictionary defines freedom as the condition of being free from restraints and the capacity to exercise free choice. Liberty is defined as the right and power to act, believe, and express oneself in the manner of their own choosing. It is also being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor. Liberty is joined with freedom to also mean being without unjust or undue governmental control.

   The words are most assuredly understood for their meanings. It would not be stretching it too far to say that freedom and liberty are universally desired by people worldwide. The unfortunate truth is that the practice of freedom and liberty are not accepted worldwide.

    Why is it that something so desired by so many is denied by the so few.

It is the power of the few who dictate to the masses. It is the so called elite that feel the need to control. And who are these elite? They are the politicians and those in control of the money. They remain in power through greed. Again we must ask why? There are numerous reasons, but one stands at the top; it is fear. They fear that they will be no better that the rest of us. They assume that their worth is more than everyone else. It is due to this fear that people around the world are suppressed. To question those in power is perceived as a challenge and denial that they are superior.

    Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Even in countries that consider themselves free and democratic, people must exercise caution. If left unchecked it inevitable that those in power will erode our freedom and liberty. Jefferson also said, “Freedom is not something that anybody can be given; freedom is something people take and people are as free as they want to be.”

     As people around the world we must constantly ask ourselves what freedom and liberty mean to us. Are we truly free or are we manipulated into believing something we are not. If we are controlled to the point that our freedom of speech to challenge those in power is denied then all other freedoms are mute. When our freedom to think and express ourselves is questioned then we are not free. It was once said men fight for freedom, and then they make laws to take it away from themselves.

     We must resist the temptation to put into effect constrains by laws that inhibit the true spirit of freedom which lies in the hearts and minds of man.

In 1828 Francis Wright said, “Who speaks of liberty when the human mind is in chains.” If we fear to think something then we will never express or achieve the greatness that man possesses within himself.

      In the pursuit and holding on to freedom we must always look at those around us. True freedom is not gained by oppressing others. It is all too often that the few by law and or force choose to constrain the will of others. No nation or corporation will hold onto freedom through the domination of others. The burden and restrains put on others will ultimately bind them also.

      As human kind we must seek freedom and liberty as a duty. Not for a nation, a religion, or a people but as an obligation of the heart. Knowing that the inner soul of all mankind seeks freedom and liberty, it is a constant through the course of time. Freedom is the light that guides us through the darkness of existence.

Nations Grown Corrupt               Love Bondage More Than Liberty;

Bondage With Ease Than Strenuous Liberty.

                             -John Milton

Walter Schmidt: Unemployed philosopher, writer and artist .Seeking peace and security for humanity though justice and equality. http://wcsdesigns.blogspot.com/

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