Categories: World

‘Garbage Olympics’ Hit Philippines

April 30, 2008. A very significant day for the “Zero Basura Olympics”, the so-called Garbology Marathon, the 30 days to conquer garbage. Because this joint project of the Office of the President Solid Waste Management Commission, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and EarthDay Network Philippines healed the dying river of Barangay Fenza, Marilao, Bulacan, “The World’s Dirtiest River” in 30 days! According to one of the old residents, the people took turns in guarding the Marilao River day and night to catch the culprit who dumped trucks and trucks of toxic wastes from a chemical factory outside Bulacan. And 4 weeks after, they caught 2 truck drivers with truck loads of toxic wastes on the upper portion of Marilao River, which is the Frenza Dam. They were being held prisoners but up to now they refrained from revealing the name of the factory where the toxic wastes came from.

When the Andres Bonifacio Choir (ABC) led by Maestro Jerry Amper Dadap had a concert in closing the 2008 Activity of the Earth Day Network Philippines organized by its Country Coordinator Madam Odette Alcantara, entitled: A Healing Serenade for the Marilao River, the Frenza Dam’s already cleaned with green water and lots of water lilies. Some kids even swim and lots of carabaos have their place on the lower portion where the Frenza Dam water flows. Marilao River is now cleaner than the Pasig River (see attached photos).

A special participation of Jess Santiago with his composition “Daloy Aking Ilog” was performed together with the Healing Rituals rendered by Madam Grace Odal Devora. It was followed by Prayers and Chants by Hare Krishna, Inner Dance and Sanghibla. There’s also the Blessing of Water by Director Father Efren Basco of Diocese Ecology and Environmental Program; speeches from the Municipal Mayor Guillermo and the Municipal Planning Director to improve the Marilao River’s condition.

With the help of the community and the existing Republic Act No. 9003, which includes Tips on Solid Waste Management, the ABC members committed themselves to go on river hopping so as to make the Philippine waters safe and clean.

Rosario Medina: I am a Professional Librarian and still wish to upgrade my knowledge in other fields so as to be of service to my fellowmen.
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