Gays are increasingly becoming targets of blackmailers and stalkers who are finding them easy prey.The homosexual community has been the butt of ridicule for long.Often aliens at home and sidelined outside they now have another cause for despair becoming the target of blackmailers and stalkers. In dark alleys in metros especially in Delhi,Mumbai and Bangalore gay stalkers are on the prowl.Since same sex marriages are still banned in India the gay community has become a soft target.The problem seem to be on an upswing as b lackmailers realise e potential it offers.Such gangs have a fetish for foreigners as they are unaware of the gay scene in India and can easily be duped.These blackmailers are even tech savvy.They cruise chat rooms,make contacts,use decoys to fix meetings to exchange porn VCDs and then acting as policemen grab the victim and extract what they can from him.Ofcourse nothing happens to the decoy.According to the Gay rights Activist Ashok Kavi it is sad that blackmailers and hustlers are now using people’s sexuality as a means of extortion.The victims are often non-confrontational.Most cannot even report their truma to cops either as the police pounces on them and harres them.Blackmailers succeed simply because these gay men are too closeted to fight back.It is this desire for secrecy and fear of being ousted that leaves gays open to grave security risks.The answer is to be more open s you cannot
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