General Stanley analysis of Afghan situation before arrival of cruel winter season

After publication of General Stanley A. McChrystal’s summary in Washington post, number of drone attacks on tribal areas of Pakistan has been increased, interesting aspect of the summary was alleged involvement of ISI in attacks on US lead NATO forces in Afghanistan, Iranian Qudus alleged involvement in attack on US lead NATO forces in Afghanistan seems quite logical, because US presence in Afghanistan and Iraq might be conceived in Iran as encirclement of Iran, for possible US attack on Iran. Keeping the fact in view that Pakistan is a most allied ally of USA in war against terror, Pakistan does not fear any US attack, but General Stanley states in his summary that he has got the evidence of ISI involvement in attacks on US lead NATO forces.

An official of US embassy has also reportedly said before newsmen that Mullah Umer including his Quetta Sura is in Balochistan and Usama Bin Laden is also alive and present in tribal areas of Pakistan. Meanwhile ISI chief General Pasha has reportedly told the CIA chief during his current visit of USA that ISI has no links with terrorists. Interior Minister of Pakistan Mr. Malik has reportedly said that if evidence regarding Quetta Sura and Alqaeeda chief Bin Ladin’s presence in Pakistan if produced before Pakistani authorities, action will be taken against them.

General Stanley is a newly appointed boss of US forces in Afghanistan, his analysis of the situation in Afghanistan will surely based on concrete evidence, though his demand for more US troops in Afghanistan is still under consideration in Pentagon, his demand seems to be quite logical, media reports reflect that number of attacks on US lead NATO forces has been increased, Taliban militants backed by Alqeeda are using Afghan populace as human shield, story of Fox Company commander in Hilmand province of Afghanistan published in New York times reflects the dilemma, which American forces are facing in Afghanistan, during combat operations against Taliban extremists. Women and children become possible victim, during confrontation between US forces and militants in Hilmand.

Pakistan has cleared Swat, Bonair and other areas of Malakand division from militants after, shifting civilian population to safer places, US forces can do the same in Afghanistan, in that respect increased number of US troops, cooperation of Afghan Army and police force can also pave the way for early US military victory in Afghanistan. Expertise of Pakistan Armed forces can be utilized in Afghanistan provided that US government shall clear all the doubts regarding its intentions about Pakistan, probable ISI involvement in attacks on US lead NATO forces can be an outcome of fear of encirclement of Pakistan by US lead NATO forces and India on its Eastern and Western borders.

During Eight long years, US lead NATO forces have strived to defeat Taliban and Alqaeeda militants in Afghanistan militarily, with the cooperation of Pakistan, Alqaeeda activity has been confined to Afghanistan and Pakistan, it never succeeded in launching any other attack like nine eleven on US soil, obvious objectives of US lead NATO forces arrival in Afghanistan are elimination of Alqeeda and its Taliban allies, reconstruction of Afghanistan and restoration of peace in war ravaged country. Much has been achieved during past eight years. Cruel Afghan winter season is about to arrive which calms down the militants usually, US General Stanley will be having enough time in winters to come up with better strategy to combat ignorance prevailing in Afghanistan through military means.

Written and submitted by

Abdur Raziq
M.phil US Study (International Relations-History)

Cell phone # 00923339607378

Note: My this article has been also published at http://raziq1.blogspot.com and at allvoices.com

Abdur Raziq: My qualification is M.phil US Study (International Relation-History), since long I am contributing to Pakistan's English dailies. In 1988 I came to USA to study US Election Campaign, was awarded with Honorary Citizenship of Lincoln Nebraska USA, I had delivered lectures on US, British and Pakistan's constitution in a law college for seven years, have worked as Principal of a college of education for three years, have worked in International Organization for Migration as Asisstant Voter Education Officer during Afghan Presidential elections, have also worked as Researcher and Provincial Coordinator in Governance Institutions Network International Islamabad Pakistan. I am also a regular contributor to Associated Press of Pakistan, and AFP.
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