Genetic inheritance of people in subcontinent is one of kingship based on oppression and discrimination, impacts of thousands of year’s rule of Monarchs will gradually evaporate from genes here if democracy prevails for at least two centuries in its true sense. Biologist can determine exact period of time in which genes become free of past inheritance and get coded with existing positive environment, conducive for creation of healthy society free from oppression and tyranny.
Pakistan and India both are federations but having parliamentary form of government, no check on majority rule does exist in real sense in parliamentary form of government, parliament remains sovereign in this system, parliamentary system works well in Great Britain where moral values are quite high and political conventions are respected in unitary setup, but in developing federations like Pakistan and India where federation units are having demographical differences, tyranny of majority within parliament has no ample checks upon it. In case of
In two hundred years of its existence USA ha become a truly independent state with less discrimination and more fundamental freedoms to its citizens, Pakistan and India are lagging behind in this respect because of genetic inheritance of its inhabitants, genes of the populace here contains oppressive and tyrannical messages which generation after generation has inherited here. In true democratic environment these messages will evaporate eventually from the genes of successive generations and both these states will become more democratic and friendly with each other.
Written by
Abdur Raziq
Cell phone # 03339607378
Note. Above lines are response to questions posed by friends and now I have succeeded to find sometime to answer all those questions amid democratic environment currently exists in Pakistan during PPP lead coalition rule, without fear and favor.
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