Gennifer Moss loves the earth. The Portland, Oregon native has taken a novel approach to delivering her message of peace and love of self and the environment: she chooses not to wear clothes.
Gennifer Moss, known now as Earth Friend Gen thanks to videos she posted on the internet, turned quite a few heads as she bicycled and rollerbladed through downtown Portland. A number of people called 9-1-1 to report Moss’ indecent exposure but police say that, as long as she has her genitalia covered and she is not prancing nude to arouse sexual desire, she is not breaking the law.
Earth Friend Gen says her nude jaunts are aimed at promoting peace and self-confidence. "Peace begins with ourselves, our mind, spirit, heart, and soul and that our body is an integral part of ourselves and I was created in God’s creation and no part of me is obscene," she says.
Take a look at the video below in which Gennifer Moss tries to encourage a love of mother earth at Wahkeena Falls in Oregon
Source: KARE11
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