The Green Party nominated former Representative Cynthia McKinney (Democrat-Georgia) for President of the United States. This makes for an all-Georgia alternative voice in this year’s contest as the Libertarian Party nominated former Representative Bob Barr (Republican-Georgia) for president in Denver previously. Both left their previous parties and joined these alternative parties. The Libertarians nominated Wayne Root and the Greens nominated Rosa Clemente for Vice President.
They could not be more different in their outlooks. Libertarian Barr champions individual liberty, free markets and personal responsibility while Green McKinney advocates the welfare state. However, they both oppose the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act. Both reject the Tweedledee versus Tweedledum race between Obama and McCain. Barr and McKinney will talk about the things Obama and McCain ignore.
As the mainstream media and the presidential debate organizers are likely to pass over them, let me suggest that they hold a series of debates in various formats around the country.
For more information:
Bob Barr Libertarian Party
Cynthia McKinney Green Party
Richard Cooper is an export/import manager. He is a former chair of the Libertarian Party of New York He was a Ron Paul delegate and is a Barr presidential elector.
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