British Singer Winehouse was released by the British Police after being arrested and questioned for nearly nine hours on ‘suspected drug offence’ The arrest related to a video that appeared in a British tabloid showing the singer smoking what was suspected to contain crack cocoine;however, the 24 year old Grammy winning soul singer was not charged . In an earlier incident, she was cautioned for an assault.
Heath Ledger’s portrait in a ‘brooding pose’ which was painted shortly before his death in January. was voted the most popular painting in Australia’s top art prize for portraiture. His best know movie was ‘Brokeback Mountain’ in which he had acted as a ‘conflicted gay cow boy’.
According to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the predictions of some people that his new wife Carla would destroy him because of her tempestuous love life and views on monogamy has not come true. He had denied that he had bitten off more than he could chew by marrying her.
Prince Williams would do his bit to fight the cocine war in the Caribbean by joining the Royal Navy Vessels. He would soon complete his training of four months stint with the RAF and would gain experience in all the three services.
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