Global Warming is a world phenomenon, having worldwide impacts on the countries throughout the world.It has its own devastating impacts on India, as per the recent study and research undertaken both by the United Nations Organisation in colloboration with the World Meterological Organisation.According to their study, the global warming will facilitate the rapid drying up of the sources of the perennial rivers like Ganges, Brahmaputra, Indus etc.Therefore, in the years to come, may be not in the near future, India may not have the above mentioned perennial rivers, because of the worst effect created by the Global Warming.
It is well known that our politicians have been clamouring up for the linking of the perennial rivers of the North India with the South Indian rivers like Cauvery, Krishna, Kodhavari etc, so as to convert the south into a fertile north.Let us hope that their idea be fructified atleast before the global warming take its toll on the perennial Indian rivers. I hear that some of you are murmuring that the above project will not take that much of time !!.Let us hope that India may not become an African country in the future!
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