Global Warming
Is global warming really a threat to mankind and our way of living? Or: Is global warming merely a ploy by “Big business” conspiring with “Governments” in order to scare us, worse intimidate us into buying into a myriad of unneeded, unnecessary products in order to keep economy stimulated and moving. Big business and global governments have often climbed into bed together in order to fill their pockets with our hard earned money. This is no exception as the threat effects everything from manufacturing, to fuel consumption, to retail consumption of every service, every product we buy.
The reason I pose this question is two-fold, to get my readers thinking for themselves instead of always listening to the intimidating ranting of government and business for their financial benefit, and to point out the possibility that business and government are in bed together not for our benefit.
For instance: If global warming were a true threat, then how come most of North America and many parts of Europe are experiencing one of the coldest and precipitation storm winter seasons in the past 50 years with temperatures plummeting daily endangering lives and ice storms and snow falls reaching record proportions everywhere. If the polar ice cap were melting and global warming were truly a danger to us, shouldn’t we be experiencing just the opposite?
Governmental and “Big business” manipulation is not something new. If you want a relatively current example of business/government collusion and manipulation let’s take a look at Y 2 K. Near the middle to the end of the year 1999, “Big Business” and “Government” started an intimidation lie that at the beginning of the year 2000, every computer, business or personal would face problems and possibly crash because computers operate on the “Binary system” and couldn’t recognize the year 2000 thus screwing up the internal calendar in everyone’s computer.
This enabled companies like IBM and Microsoft to make a fortune pretending to correct the problem for everyone. Fact is nothing of the sort happened and we all managed to get thru the year, but many people who believed the threat was real spent thousands, and millions of dollars, around the world to protect and prevent this from happening. I for one did nothing and my computer functioned perfectly.
We can also take a look at the “Greenhouse effect” and its impact on the ozone layer in outer-space. They say that because of our usage of fossil fuels and our usage of forestation we are endangering the ozone layer and, if the hole becomes large enough, the sun will burn up the earth and life as we know it will be no more. Therefore business and government are working in tandem to convince us to go “Green”. While it couldn’t hurt, is it really going to be beneficial for the planet, or is this simply another ploy by business and management to stimulate business so that business and government can fill their pockets.
I personally believe that these two current scares created by the collusion of government and business is yet another lie by both. I don’t buy these for even one second.
It is up to you what you wish to think and believe. It is time for you to start thinking for yourself instead of merely listening for business and government to tell you what to think.