Go Back to Gurukul days
By Abhishek Pandey
A Teacher ruptured the ear drum of a student in Lucknow: Nov. 2008. A five-year old girl died of injuries after her teacher hit the duster on her head: Dec 2008. A teacher in Jallandhar harassed his girl student: Oct 2007. A Delhi teacher, who beat his students brutally found unstable, suspended: Oct 2007. A teacher in Kanpur abused, commented on student’s caste: August 2008. A physical training teacher in Amritsar fractured the student’s hand with hockey stick, a teacher raped a girl student, a teacher hit the student with stick, a teacher beat the student to death in Udaipur, a teacher slapped a student who later committed suicide in Vadodra and other similar headlines appeared in the newspaper during last few years. Enough is enough, it should stop now. These incidents are happening across the country with apparent impunity. Students should be treated smartly and sparingly not brutally by their gurus to make them better citizen and off course, not to end their life.
These atrocious incidents are the blot on the Indian education system. Teachers are beating the students out of what reasons or problems. The problems should be found out and sorted out soon to save the future of the nation which lies in the hands of the students. Teachers can not give corporal punishment to the students during the course of teaching, according one of the verdicts of the Supreme Court. Yet, these incidents are happening. Who is the real culprit, the teachers or the system which has failed to tackle the problems, even after numerous incidents?
The problems with teachers could be incalculable. The most important issue is that teaching is not the career which they want to pursue and they are not very serious about their profession. Teaching is just part time job to make them busy in some work and to bring some money to their home. This issue should be dealt with due importance for the safe and secure future of the students. Another reason could be the low pay in the profession which led to frustration among the teachers. Another reason could be the over workload to the teachers which brings frustration. The stereotypical biased attitude towards students on the basis of their caste, race or religion also could be one of the reasons. The commercialization of the education is also a reason which concentrates on the profits of the school management. Teachers are forced to produce good results to make the school a money-making institution.
So, only teachers can not be held responsible for the whole state of affairs. There are lots of things which are demanding a drastic change to bring improvement in the education system. The employment of the teachers should be based on their eligibility, not on the basis of his link with the management member or with some politician. The criteria of selection for the different levels like primary or secondary should be implemented across the nation. The proper training for teaching different type of students should be given to teachers by the school management through seminars or conferences by experts in the field and attending the conference should be mandatory for the teachers. College administration may also have counseling facility in the school for solving the problems of the teachers or of the students. Grievance committee to tackle the aforesaid incidents can also serve the interest of the students, parents and teachers.
Teachers should be employed on the contract basis so they can not leave the school or college in between without giving any prior notice. This will help the teachers to concentrate on their work rather than spending time to find other options open to them. College administration must have periodical appraisal system to give promotion or awards to the teachers on the basis of their record in a particular time period. Government can implement these things by making some sort of committee or through the due process. Government must pay attention to this issue to help the students, teachers and parents. It becomes more important when the incidents are on the hype and we are losing our gems. Teachers, who are considered to be the father figure for the students must keep in mind the lines of famous educationist Patricia Cross, who said, “The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people.” But with due caution.