Go Green and the Global Greeners

It has been interesting to watch and listen to the "new" political party, global socialists,  (who spread on both sides of the American political aisle in the form of Dems or Republicans) and their rhetoric with respect to global warming, and the emphasis now on "Going Green," in the new Obama Admnistration.

At this point, I’m simply wondering if this new cause celebre out of Hollywood and the Globalist Party is the same as the Green Movement of the 60’s.  The ones that were responsible for "saving the trees" and all that, who have now merged our two party system now into one focused on the "global economy" and "global free trade" for their corporate and personal interests. 

Those now responsible for the wildfires in California, North and Southwest and the timber waste and devastation continuing forty years later in dense, overgrown forests that are set off by lightening, or even static electricity, and then burn and destroy thousands of acres because the trees are now so dense that the flames spread out of control within a few short minutes.

Of course then abandoning their homes while still wet from their dip in their pools or spas – during, of course, the worst drought conditions in many years.  And battling Arizona, a desert state, over water whose forests also have suffered severe wildfires in the last several years due to those same "save the trees"  60’s Greeners in that state.

The ones that prevented the timber and lumber industry from cutting down some of those trees, or even buying some of that land in order that "nature" was preserved in it’s pristine state.

The ones that would bend over backward in order to "save the animals," castrated George W. Bush (although his presidency will go down in infamy due to his own liberalism with the Constitution), yet seem to be blinded to just how far Mr. Obama has strayed from his campaign rhetoric, and his minions sliding the cash over to those bankers who also were instrumental in funding his own campaign – and was instrumental in getting that bank bailout bill passed back in September.

The ones who fought for "cleaner fuel" and energy also in the 60’s, but who didn’t want those "ugly" wind towers in their own backyards due to the fact that the towers ruined their view of nature in all it’s glory.

The ones who push for electric cars, but heaven forbid we build a nuclear power plant in order to upgrade the technology which would be needed to "Go Green" with electrically powered automobiles in this country in the amounts that would be necessary.

The ones who hold office on the Hill, yet fly their private jets and make unnecessary trips to foreign nations when they could be "Going Green" by using faxes and teleconferences in this blighted economy.

Just how many trips to Mexico and how many U.S. federal officials are needed in order to appraise the U.S. border situation?

Especially since the head of DHS is the former Governor or Arizona and should by now have enough information with respect to the declining border situation to fill twenty or thirty volumes on her recyclable paper.  After all, she is one of those on the Hill that is primarily responsible for this situation escalating due to her negligence in supporting the needed fencing that would curtail the drug trafficking to begin with.

The cartels do not cross at the ports of entry, so those new gadgets Ms. Napolitano is buying with the stimulus monies will have no effect whatsoever on the problem.

With Mexico blaming the U.S. for the ammo in which these cartels are equiping themselves, you would think that Mexico – if it was truly interested in stopping these drug cartel members – would actually be supportive of getting those borders fenced and secured so they could contain the problem.

The caliber and amount of guns with which the cartels are now armed could not have been smuggled through the ports of entry without assistance from Mexico’s customs agents themselves.  It’s a little hard to hide heavy artillery, even in a Humvee.

Instead of "green" fencing, we are equipping the Mexican government with high octane Black Hawks to fight their war, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayers.

Now they’ve even figured out a way to tax the air we breathe.  Its called a "carbon tax."  It’s for the good of the planet, and Washington’s wallet in order to spread more of America’s generosity throughout the world, even while it’s citizens continue to lose their jobs and homes left and right due to Washington’s generosity on behalf of the American people (without, of course, their consent, i.e., taxation without representation).

I think I’ve figured out the type of "green" the new party, global liberals, actually mean when they use the term.  Finally.

U.S. dinero. Americanos dollars.

Go green.

Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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