A Question Was Asked
The other day I posed a question and it gathered quite a response. Since I could not respond to each individual’s answer I felt this article was required to see if I could properly address my readers, and their comments and possible concerns.
My original question was:
“Why should homosexual men and women, not be welcomed into a Christian Church? ”
As an explanation dealing with the question I went on to say that God created each and everyone of us uniquely different.
In other words there is no other person on earth exactly like me, in the way I see God, and see life in general, there is only me.
The same as there is no two identical “aguasilvers” no two identical “Judah’s Daughter “. I name these two, writers as they are people I consider as a friend as well as someone who serves to keep my thinking and my path home to God, going straight.
I further said in my question continuation that the fact that a man or a woman is either Hetrosexual or Homosexual is a part of their uniqueness, their makeup. It is not simply the person’s choice, but a part of who they are.
Lastly, and this is the part I guess where my readers became sort of confused on is that , I stated that just because a man or a woman discovered themselves to be Hetro or Homo Sexually oriented in nature, If the Homosexual “Freely Chose” to totally ignore their attraction to the same sex, and “Freely Chose” to seek out God, and to serve God, as a follower of Jesus Christ, Why should we as a Christian Church of any denomination deny and refuse to welcome such a person into the Church.
In other words if they are feely choosing to willingly sacrifice the desires of the “Flesh” to serve God and Jesus, then by what right do we judge them not worthy.
Let me make this point perfectly clear. A man or a woman, realizes that they are attracted towards a same sex relationship and not a man / woman relationship.
The man or the woman chooses to forsake this attraction completely and persue an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and Our Father God, choosing rather to serve God, rather than to give in to temptation of the flesh.
Should not one who is freely willing to choose to make this sacrifice, not worthy to be seen and welcomed as a Christian into any Church regardless of denomination.
It is my faith in God My Father, and my belief from God’s Holy Word, that My Father desires not even one of His children, His creation to be lost and perish and be without Him.
This appears evident as we read of the story of Sodom and Gomorah.
GENESIS: 18: 24-32 Abraham and God discuss God’s compassion
To para-phrase the story, although I’m certain you all know this story Abraham tries to seek God’s compassion for the people of Sodom and Gomorah for they were living in wickedness and perversion and Abraham barters with God from fifty souls down to ten souls trying to convince God to spare the people of these two towns.
God agrees that if even ten righteous could be found, God would not destroy the towns.
Regardless of whether one is Hetrosexually or, Homo sexually oriented, if one chooses to avoid their fleshly desires to serve God in whatever capacity God chooses, is not the decision God’s and God’s alone, and if God desires to reverse the Homosexual orientation then God can cure the person if God sees this as a form of illness.