God’s Commandments And Jesus Commandments
As mankind progresses throughout the ages, Almighty God, in his infinite knowledge and wisdom has seen a need to increase and expand upon his teachings of mankind.
In the beginning, with only Adam and Eve to consider, God created but (three rules, or commands for them both.
Be fruitful and multiply
Take Dominion over all of the inhabitants
Refrain from partaking of the fruit of but one tree, the tree of knowledge of “Good and Evil”
Those are the only three commands or rules that God enacts with Adam and Eve.
Those were the only expectations that God commanded and insisted upon for Adam and Eve to live forever in Eden, and God was quite clear about everything.
Time passes and mankind, without any rules and regulations becomes so sinful and lawless that God sees a need to kill off all of mankind, with the exception of Noah and his family. God spares Noah and his family as well as two of every animal that God had created that walked the land, or flew above the land.
After the flood, Noah and his family begin anew to re-populate earth and tribe after tribe, begins from each of Noah’s family and their seed.
Time marches on, and in Egypt, a race of people know as Hebrews, are being dominated and persecuted, and used as slaves by the Egyptians, to build a city for Pharaoh the ruler, the king of Egypt, and the Hebrew people begin crying out to the God with “No name” to save them and deliver them from their slave bondage.
Along comes a “Prince of Egypt” named Moses, who learns that he is Hebrew not Egyptian, who becomes called by God the “God with No Name” to become a spokes-person for the Hebrews, to demand from Pharaoh, the release from captivity the Hebrew slaves, and after (10) ten plagues that God visits upon the Egyptians, Pharaoh finally releases the
It is here that Almighty God reveals unto Moses and the Hebrew people his (10) Ten Commandments his (10 laws) by which the Hebrew peoples are commanded to live by. It is during this revelation to Moses, that God names himself as “I Am that I Am”. This will become a very important name and factor, as we move through God revealing himself to man, and witness God’s timeline as it expands.
Another name we must take special note of is that God reveals himself as “The Lord”
As we will see and learn, these Ten Commandments, over time become laws by which all of mankind will adopt and live by.
These Ten Commandments are but the beginning of a multitude of rules and regulations that Almighty God will give to the people to apply and live by in order to bring order and harmony into their lives and to draw them closer to God who desires to have a loving relationship with all of mankind.
One such command from God to Moses and the people of Israel the Hebrews, was to sacrifice a sin offering for God to remove the sins of those people offering the sacrifice.
God realizes that a change is necessary concerning this command, maybe because of the unnecessary slaughtering of blameless sinless animals, so God decides that one Godly and perfect sacrifice could be made by one “Sin-free” Godly being who would volunteer to become the “Perfect Sacrificial Lamb” taking upon himself the sinfulness of all of mankind, past, present, and future. Jesus our Lord steps up and volunteers to do this.
Centuries pass, and all of God’s Commandments and Laws are entrenched in every nation and country as laws to live by.
God now decides that some of his laws, his rules and regulations are now archaic and in need of changing, but God also recognizes that a Godly representative, not himself must introduce the changes he wished to make.
God chooses Jesus, the one who would become the “Sacrificial Lamb” would be the perfect one to bring about the necessary changes, so as Jesus starts his ministry, he begins to teach the Jewish peoples about the subtle changes in the laws that needed changing, such as doing certain “Labors of Love” like healing, or rescuing someone on the Sabbath, also, laws of cleanliness, and what one might or might not eat.
Jesus and his Apostles brought about many different changes. One of the most important ones being, to offer love, to even one’s enemy teaching that all man is your brethren, Jew or Gentile, Hebrew or Roman soldier, it made no difference.
Such teaching laws as “Render unto Caesar” were created in order to maintain or establish peace. Others like the partaking of bread and wine, celebrating Jesus “Last Supper” are meant to draw us closer to Jesus and to God. Yet all are meant to show to the Father, Almighty God that we are trying to be seen as worthy of being called “My child” by God.
We see through the Letters of the Apostles that it mattered not even whether the man was circumcised or not, because under Hebrew law it was necessary to be circumcised in order to belong, only to be taught and to learn that this was no longer one of God’s requirements, for this was an archaic Hebrew law that needed changing.
Jesus goes on to teach mankind that under Jesus Laws and Commandments; if one wanted to find their way back to God and back to heaven that all one had to do was to admit to being a sinner to Jesus, repent one’s sins and ask Jesus to forgive them their sin, acknowledging that Jesus Crucifixion was man’s ultimate sacrifice for the remission of all of man’s sins, and then become baptized washed anew, “Born Again”. By doing this by faith, Jesus promises that each one that goes through this will be cleansed, purified and sanctified thus guaranteeing that person a place in heaven.
When Jesus returns again, I am certain he will change and institute laws that will apply to his new Jerusalem and our inhabiting it.