Reviews have emerged about the recently outed open source browser from Google. What’s the word in town?
It’s all good.
Google has stunned some people with its tabs. The fact that the browser tabs are on top means that even if the page you’re working on crashes, the browser itself and the other tabs will still be functional.
Another good thing about Chrome, besides its metallic name is that Google has borrowed Opera’s speed dialing features. Translation: You can now speed dial nine of the most frequently used pages on Chrome’s default page.
All in all, a good and stable browser. It has also borrowed most of the shortcuts from Firefox. But, there’s little chance that Firefox users will switch to Chrome permanently since there are no extensions on Chrome.
As a casual browser, Chrome stands a good chance of winning over multitudes of users. If all goes well, and Chrome delivers on what Google is promising, then this is another player in the browser wars.
The incognito mode is just fab. And the word on the street is that it’s something the IE8 beta team is working on. But a scary thought about privacy – If someone goes "incognito" on a computer and does stupid things, there’s no log of what the person is doing. This couldn’t be a good thing with reference to hacking, etc.
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