GOP Divided Over Future of Palin’s Fate

Days before Election Day on November 4 takes place, the Democrats are prepping itself for a possible big win in the United States Congress. At the same time, the GOP is bracing itself for a major loss. So far, the GOP has been playing on the notion of a Democrat controlled Congress as a strategy in one of its latest ads.

However, it is unknown how effective that will be.

Election Day is only but a few days away. BUT, it is not Election Day yet. Anything can and will happen between now and Election Day. Right now, members of the GOP are in a heated debate about the future of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the VP running-mate for Senator John McCain of Arizona.

They are thinking abut what rolePalin will play in the GOP in the future if McCain loses to Democratic Presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama of Illinois come Election Day. Remember, anything can and will happen between now and Election Day.

One group feels that Palin has caused McCain more harm than good. This group sees Palin as a threat within the GOP.

However, another group feels that Palin could be the new face of the GOP.

According to political observers, if the GOP loses big, Palin could be dragged and stuck in the middle of an identity crisis. Observers say that this will be the largest identity crisis within the history of the GOP.

A civil war that is simmering will break out into the open if McCain loses, and the party will decide what they want to be in the post-Reagan world,” according to CNN senior political analyst Gloria Borger.

John King the CNN chief national correspondent weighed in. On one hand, Palin is helping with the base of the GOP. At the same time, Palin is in political pain in regards to crucial constituencies.

It is unknown what will happen to Palin should the GOP lose big after November 4.

On one hard Palin could be seen as a damaging factor to the GOP in the future. On the other hand Palin could be seen as the new direction of the GOP. That mainly says that she has harsh critics and strong supporters within the GOP.

There is talk about Palin possibly entertaining a Presidential run in 2012.

Ed Rollins, GOP strategist and CNN contributor, had weighed in on Palin a few days ago. According to Rollins, Palin will be the most popular Republican after Election Day. However, Rollins did not say anything about Palin becoming the future of the GOP.

One question should be asked: If the GOP loses big after November 4, what will Palin’s fate will be?

This does spell possible internal turmoil within the GOP.

Could there be a possible internal power struggle afterwards?

Another question asked is: What about the Ron Paul Revolution? We had not heard much in the recent months about the Ron Paul Revolution. Paul has been on CNN a few times during the last few weeks giving his two cents on the hefty bailout of Wall Street.

If there is an identity crisis within the GOP after Election Day, will the Ron Paul Revolution play a role afterwards?

Can Tran:
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