Governor N N Vohra, “Save World Famous Dal Lake”

Sharing the concern of the civil society on the shrinking of the Dal Lake, Governor N N Vohra today called for a mass movement for conserving the Kashmir’s pride heritage.

  Interacting with the leading Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) of Srinagar here this evening, the Governor reiterated his resolve to do whatever was required to be done for restoring the pristine glory of the Dal.

  Mr. Vohra felt nostalgic about the blue waters of the lake that had mesmerized generations of tourists till a few decades ago, and reminded the people of Kashmir to ponder over the wrongs committed over the years that have left this glorious water body to a virtual village pond. He felt that the Governmental measures alone would not be enough to save the lake and made a passionate appeal to the NGOs, social organisations, students, environmentalists and all others who may be concerned to shoulder the bounden duty of restoring the glory of the lake.

  The Governor also referred to his recent meetings and visit to the lake for reviewing the measures being taken up for its conservation. He said that the Dal Development Project envisages a holistic approach for addressing the grey areas, which have been responsible for the present condition of the lake. He said that a massive campaign has been launched to ensure round-the-year manual de-weeding and hoped that the civil society will also do its bit by creating the requisite awareness for arresting the continuing pollution and joining the conservation drive.

  Mr. Vohra called upon the NGOs to play their crucial role in eradicating social evils, safeguarding the environment, creating awareness about the need to effectively preserve the fragile eco system of the Valley. He also observed that these organizations could do a yeomen’s job for improving literacy, especially among females, and helping in the empowerment of women and under-privileged sections of the society. Being the stake holders in the development of the State, they must redouble their efforts in building a harmonious society based on social justice, love and communal amity.

  The NGOs urged the Governor to take effective measures for improving the quality of education, as this sector had suffered immensely during the recent situation. They requested for organizing coaching and tutioning of the students by organizing extra classes.  

  Those present in the interaction were, Advisor to Governor, Mr. H H Tyabji, Principal Secretary to Governor, Mr. B B Vyas, Mr. Arjumand H Talib (Action Aid International), Mr. Feroz Ahmed (Aga Khan Development Network, Mrs. Nighat Shafi (Help Foundation), Syed Gawhar Hussain (Hussaini Relief Committee) Mr. Salim Beigh (INTACH), Mr. A K Wani (J&K Voluntary Health & Development Association, Mr. A R Hanjura (J&K Yateem Trust), Prof Nusrat Andrabi (J&K Waqf Board), Prof Suraya Ali (Madre Mehrban Women & Child Welfare Trust and Mrs. Fouzia Khan (IGSSS).

  Earlier, a delegation of fruit growers from Rafiabad led by Mr. Mohammed Dilawar Mir, former Minister, also called on the Governor and sought immediate implementation of the Market Intervention Scheme, to ensure better marketing of the Kashmir fruit. The delegation also apprised the Governor about various problems of the Rafiabad area including, inter alia, proper tendering of all the Rural Development Works and review of the selections made under the Integrated Child Development Scheme.

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