WASHINGTON—The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO)has a new eLearning tool that allows the agency to conduct virtual trainings and host virtual meetings with members of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). GPO attained this tool through a competitive procurement and can now provide libraries with training on GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys), a one-stop site to authentic, published Government information. In turn, libraries across the country can help the American public use FDsys to access information on the three branches of the Federal Government. This tool also allows GPO to customize training for specific audiences, record the training for future use, and enhance training with online discussions. In April, GPO conducted three virtual trainings using the eLearning tool and received positive feedback. Through the FDLP, GPO partners with 1,200 libraries nationwide to provide the public with free access to Government information in both print and digital formats.
“With our rapidly changing digital environment, it is important that we provide the Federal depository library community with eLearning opportunities,” said Superintendent of Documents Mary Alice Baish. “Through this tool, GPO can equip libraries with the necessary training to help their communities access authentic, published Government information.”
GPO is the Federal Government’s primary resource for producing, procuring, cataloging, indexing, authenticating, disseminating, and preserving the official information products of the U.S. Government in both digital and tangible formats. GPO is responsible for the production and distribution of information products and services for all three branches of the Federal Government, including U.S. passports for the Department of State as well as the official publications of Congress, the White House, and other Federal agencies. In addition to publication sales, GPO provides for permanent public access to Federal Government information at no charge through GPO’s Federal Digital System (www.fdsys.gov) and through partnerships with approximately 1,200 libraries nationwide participating in the Federal Depository Library Program. For more information, please visit www.gpo.gov. Follow GPO on Facebook, Twitter, and on YouTube.