Grammar Girl’s Mignon Fogarty A Success

Mignon Fogarty, the author and brains behind the Grammar Girl podcast never thought her twice-weekly audio grammar lesson would attract hundreds of thousands of listeners. Well, the podcast that she still records in her bedroom closet as done just that (800,000 listeners per month) and has landed Fogarty on the Oprah Winfrey Show and in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

Mignon Fogarty, 41, has turned Grammar Girl into a brand name with advertising revenue and book deals. She has been able to quit her day job and focus on what was originally a hobby. "Never in my wildest dreams did I think hundreds and thousands of people would be listening every month," she says.

Mignon Fogarty and Grammar Girl are just one example of how quality user-generated content can find success in a niche market thanks to the internet. With a good idea and merely a trace of computer know how, you achieve the success that Mignon Fogarty is having with Grammar Girl.

Source: AZ Central.

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