Grand Mufti criticized Al-Qaeda terrorists for wearing women’s clothing during suicide attacks?

Saudi Grand Mufti criticized Al-Qaeda for wearing pink panty underwear during suicide attacks? Other strange reports…

I get a kick out of reading foreign newspapers and press reports, especially those coming from Saudi Arabia – where there is no real freedom of the press. A story I reported  a while back  in 2010 says the Saudi Grand Mufti – Sheihk Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh criticized Al-Qaeda terrorists over wearing women’s clothing as disguises in suicide attacks.

The emphasis was on the cloths, and how it violated Islamic precepts, not on the fact that people are blowing themselves up?

Cross dressing, homosexuality and murder/suicide are all condemned actions within Islam, punishable with summary execution in Saudi Arabia – which will “cut you head off with a sword” if they catch you doing such things…

The Grand Mufti phrased it this way: “the issue is not feminization, this is much worse than feminization”, calling it a “heinous crime” against Islam.

Excuse me but since when is wearing “women’s panties” become the main focus of suicide attacks? We just don’t get it?

Saudi Security/religious police say “cross dressing” for Al-Qaeda is a hallmark for the organization, and common tactic nowadays for conducting suicide attacks against fellow Muslims. When I say fellow Muslims I mean other radical Sunni’s – Shiites are apparently OK to kill. The King recently confirmed that fact when he asked the United States to bomb Iran, in leaked US diplomatic cables.

The controversy over cross dressing Al-Qaeda happened as a result of an attack that was widely reported on and shocked even the radicals in Saudi Arabia.

Namely that of men wearing women’s “pink panty” underwear and clothing in public.

It seems two men in a vehicle, one wearing a women’s black abaya and veil were stopped at the security checkpoint. The one suspect dressed in women’s clothing, stepped out of the vehicle and pulled a machine gun from underneath her slip and began spraying bullets – like somethings out of a Matrix’s movie.

In this case security forces managed to shoot back and killed the guy, who apparently didn’t shave his legs either..

This of course, caused a huge scandal in the Muslim world, with scholars and extremists whabbist’s debating the issue of Muslim men wearing women’s clothing…

The end result of all this was many religious edicts and  proclamations followed, including that of the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia who has said in the past many outrageous things, like marriage is a “gift” to young girls as young as ten (to men in their 30’s. 40’s, 50’s). And that “Muslim men can have up to four wives” – Allah willing and the creek don’t rise!

In everything there is a limit to the patience of Muslim religious scholars and police – pink panty underwear seems to be one of them…

Shame on Al-Qaeda for violating standard norms in Saudi society while killing people.

Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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