Graphics and the Web Designer

Graphics are one of the first factors to consider when creating a website. The first thing you want to do is think small, i.e.10-12KB sized images, say top web designers.

According to statistics, broadband users are on the rise.  However, images still control how fast pages load on your PC. Even the  fastest connection is affected by slow pages. Almost always, large images cause web pages to slow down. Having said that, it is still practical to optImize the size of images.

 Another point about images is that they should correspond to the content you’re writing or promoting. Posting your pet’s photo would be diatribe, if you were writing about software. However, while working on design images that illustrate the webpage; this would be an exception since written content is not involved.

Something else you need to be careful about is blinking, flashing, or moving images on thw qeb page. At the least, you need to use them with good descretion, keeping destractions inmind. Research even suggests that movement on websites can be annoying. Interestingly, visitors tend to cover up flashing content with browser tabs, so they can read content more conveniently.

If you keep your visitors in mind, you’re likely to go overboard with your graphics. In contrast to your graphics, be sure to include topics that can capture reader-interest. Alternatively, there would be no good reason to post a web page about you, unless your reader’s find it interesting.

A perfect example would be blogs maintained by prominent CEOs. They write about trendy products and services that appeal to the consumer in order to reel them in to their branded product. 

Perhaps one of the best examples would be Apple.com because it covers fun new tech gadgets that the global consumer just can’t wait to know more about. And if there’s a medium-sized photo of the iPhone or iPad on the website, it’s not so glaring that it takes away from the content.

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