Green Playgrounds are Great for Kids with ADHD

Many researches show that playing in green environments or custom playgrounds can help reduce symptoms of ADHD. While this may sound absurd to many parents, it works wonders for kids. Why? Because greener environments allow kids to explore and get in touch with nature, breathe in fresh air and get away from stress and channelize energy in the right direction.

Outdoor activities are great for all. It’s not like adults or seniors should just stay indoors. No, good for you and your kids both. While your kid with ADHD needs outdoor play in natural or custom playgrounds, you need it too to deal with stresses of everyday life.

What Green Places Work Best for Therapy?

Well, outdoor green spaces as parks and play areas with grass, plants, flowers and sand are just what humans need to reconnect with nature and find peace and relaxation. Kids with ADHD have spontaneous need to move and a large open outdoor space like a park where they can run around and use their energy, can surely help them get in control of their emotions and behaviors.

Green Custom Playgrounds for Children – A Natural Treatment

ADHD affects a number of children throughout the world. Natural, outdoor spaces help to calm their minds and regulate their behaviors. Children with ADHD find more peace, calm and feel in control in natural environments. For parents, a big relief is in the fact that playing outdoors doesn’t cost a penny. Medicines and treatments are important, yet outdoor play has a significant effect on bringing these hyperactive kids in control.

Many manufacturers of custom playgrounds make lightweight boulders, indoor and portable climbing walls, traverse walls, and other products that can surely work as safe therapy equipment for children. The question is, why choose these artificial products set in outdoor spaces? It’s simple, these portable wall panels and artificial boulders look and feel natural, while they are safe to use as they are made keeping in mind safety and ease.

Controlling ADHD with Green Therapy

Regular exposure and contact with nature can help children with ADHD in the long run. It helps them reconnect and find balance in life. Also, engaging in activities such as wall climbing, bouldering, jumping, running and jogging etc. in natural environments can help lower symptoms of ADHD and help kids gain balance, confidence and control over their behaviors.

Craig Hartman:
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