Greenpeace issued the 2007 rankings of electronics companies according to how environmentally friendly they are. Sony Ericsson was named as the most environmentally friendly company, pipping Nokia from its post. Nokia sank to ninth place.
At the bottom of Greenpeace’s list of environmentally friendly electronics manufacturers is Nintendo. This company is, in Greenpeace’s words ‘very dirty’.
Philips of the Netherlands is near the bottom of the list. The company does not tidy up its own electronics waste and doesn’t take enough action to avoid the leaking of toxic materials from its products into the environment. That is what Greenpeace says in a statement accompanying the 2007 list of electronics producers rankings.
Philips is accused of being lax in its approach to among others flame retardants. The company is advised by Greenpeace to banish use of these components in its products. The Greenpeace declaration draws attention to the practice of dumping electronics waste in Third World countries. "The toxic waste causes big environmental and health problems [in Third World countries]", Greenpeace says.