Greg, I will direct this to you. since I have known you longer, and Jim Hill has no concept of friendship, unless it is an act before a crowd of people. Since, I am living out here in Southern California- I do want full coverage of the Syracuse University Mens Basketball, and the Louville Rick Pitino team. I have done beyond my share of friendship to the team that you do work for, and made many a household name. I am not happy of the coverage of this morning, and want full game coverage of Rick Pitino’s team. If not , I will do what I should have done a long teime ago,a nd start removing one cheap act after another live for the entire nation to see.
Your coverage is to automatic- and needs a change at the wheel. I trust you of all people that has two brothers by the name of Bryant, will not even think of calling my bluff. Speaking of which, you and Bryant may recieve my contact information from the website of
Thank you, Bryant William Hewitt
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