Guatemalans organize protests to fight injustice

Per Prensa Libre in Guatemala, protests advocating for justice were held in separate locations in Guatemala City on Sunday. The events were held at Plaza Italia and Plaza de Constitution and were organized through the social networking sites Twitter, Facebook and Hi5. They seek to fight impunity and injustice in the country and promote human rights.

Twitterers were most active in Plaza Italia, where participants wore white to create a “white tsunami” effect. The most popular hashtag for the event was #Escandalogt.

One Twitterer, @gabrielhdm, posted this TwitPic from the scene:

Here’s a compilation of tweets.

  1. pablorosales (Guatemala) Hagamos historia en Guatemala dejando el miedo, gritando por un cambio, un cambio que empieza con nuestro grito por justicia #escandalogt RT (Making history in Guatemala, leaving fear, shouting for change, a change that begins with our cry for justice #escandalogt RT)
  2. carlitos74 (Undisclosed) #escandalogt Vamos Guatemala sin miedo a pedir JUSTICIA Con Verdad. UNA SOLA VOZ UN SOLO GRITO UNA SOLA ANCION “GUATEMALA” (#escandalogt Vamos Guatemala to seek justice without fear With Truth. ONE VOICE ONE CRY ONE Ancion “GUATEMALA”)
  3. pazenguate (Guatemala City, Guatemala) TSUNAMI BLANCO!!!! todos juntos hacemos la diferencia!! nos vemos a las 10:00 a.m. en Plaza Italia todos de blanco!!!!!!!! #escandalogt (WHITE TSUNAMI! all together make a difference! we are at 10:00 am in Plaza Italia all white !!!!!!!! #escandalogt)
  4. chentegt (Guatemala) Bueno, hoy a manifestarnos nos vemos por alli no se duerman!! #escandalogt (Well, today we speak there is no sleep! #escandalogt)
  5. jpablogt (Guatemala City, Guatemala) #escandalogt Por favor se les recuerda a todos los Twitteros de llevar su IP y su fotocopia de cédula a la manifestación! (#escandalogt Please be reminded to keep all of your IP Twitters and photocopy of ID to the event!)
  6. gabrielhdm (Guatemala City, Guatemala) #escandalogt camisa blanca y casi listo para ir a Plaza Italia. Nos vemos allí! (#escandalogt white shirt and almost ready to go to Plaza Italia. See you there!)
  7. S2RD2 (Guatemala) Bueno mucha, a exigir un cambio, porque jamas nos quedaremos dormidos otra vez #escandalogt (Well much to demand change, because we will never sleep again #escandalogt)
Breaking Tweets: Breaking Tweets puts a spin on world news through the use of Twitter. Founded in January 2009, the site seeks to bring people around the world together and increase knowledge about global events.

The philosophy behind the site is “hyperlocal gone global.” There is an emphasis on what is happening in a specific place at a specific time and looks at how people are reacting to that event(s) in the area.
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