What sets apart an established company from others? Well, ‘of different things’ coming in your mind, the journey of years of hardwork, struggle, investment and increasing profit starts with the basic thing, that is “Name” of the company. As the “domain name” of the exact company is actually the identity which starts getting popular. Hence, the journey of fulfilling your vision therefore undoubtedly starts with basic trait of choosing an amazing domain name. It should be easy to be pronounced which makes it simple to be promoted online as well. The following post tells you regarding how to choose an amazing domain name for your website:-
Shorter and easier typing makes it easy to remember
If the domain name is “shorter” and “easier” then it is much “better”. Avoid words with multiple spellings such as analog / analogue, as the customers may get confused. Likewise, don’t use slang (u, instead of you). In case you need it for a company which has a long name, you could use the abbreviation. eg. The ‘Press Trust of India’ uses the abbreviation PTI for its domain.
Catchy name work wonders
Choosing a catchy name is like creating a promotional strategy side by side. Customers will be more likely to remember and pronounce it correctly. Therefore, you should have constructive discussion with your friends and acquaintances and let’s see how far they feel its excitement as well.
Use Keywords
Use the keywords which actually describe you as a business. For example, if you are helping small business owners promote their business through social media, then do include “social” which should be a primary requisite in your domain. For example, social(with the name of your company).com etc.
Using numbers and hyphens is a Big No
There is a total confusion with regards to numbers and hyphens and customers misunderstand it with either numeral (8) or spelled our (eight). It has happened multiple times and you should avoid it altogether as well. So, be safe, rather than sorry later on.
Think from the point of view of your visitor / customer
Always search for the amazing domain name from the point of your customer. Try to ask yourself what they are going to “type” to search for your specific domain name. This strategy works a lot much to your pleasure.
Take timely discussion, since you don’t want to repent later on
I am sure, you know that the domains with their catchy names, sell more quickly. So, do take timely action and register the domain name as soon as possible.
Protect your identity in a fool proof manner
How about buying a part of your identity only? Will it create your emphatic presence online? Not much. Therefore, purchase different related domain extensions. You are safe from these extensions as they won’t be taken by the competitors and you will heave a sigh of relief for ensuring complete online presence through your domain as well.
Little research can save you “BIG”
Ensure that the domain name which is going to become your identity is free from any copyright, trademark and is absolutely not used by any company. Do, this homework extensively, since, you don’t want to be in a messy or demoralizing situation later on.
Include “The” with domain
If the domain name which you are searching is already occupied, then you can register (the(name of the domain).com). Here, I would like to tell you that you need to market the domain of yours with complete (the(name of domain).com). Hope, you get it where you need to popularize including “The” as well.
The hidden rule
While choosing the domain name, don’t go for something, which looks too similar with regards to your competing domain name.
Tip to adhere
It pays to enable auto renewal on your domain name, since you don’t want to loose your identity which is everything for you.
Final thoughts
Finally, pat on your back for choosing a catchy and amazing domain name for your website which will become the most obvious identity of your company. According to a saying, “First impression is the last impression”. So a well chosen domain name for your website is now actually going to give your potential customers that most important “first” impression, like the way you have always wanted. So, cement your professional life further and pat on your back for taking right decision at the right time.