I decided to write this guide after spending about fifteen years trying many of the free software packages available on the Internet. I always enjoyed using free software, mostly because it is free and I am a cheap skate. Nevertheless, I know that I am not alone and that there are many people out there who share my spend thrift ways. Most likely if you are reading this, then you might just be one of those kindred spirits. In the course of these years I have found some software that was great and some that was not so great. This is a culmination of those experiences in a hope that I can save you some time and frustration.
Alright, so we have covered some of the most useful software, as well as, some fun stuff. There are so many free pieces of software available that it is almost impossible to cover them all. However, this small sampling is enough to get you started on your way to some productive and fun times on your PC.
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