Gundam 00 Season 2: Episode 21, 22 and 23

Innovators is clearly behind the A-Laws movements thus far. Right and wrong not the thing that matter now as the story of Gundam 00 Second Season unfolds. Anew was killed by Setsuna as she was on her way to kill Lockon or Lyle Dylandy, the Gundam Pilot of Cherudim.

The Ptolemy is engaged by a big army of A-Laws while they were in search of the location of Veda. Thanks to the information provided by Wang Liu-Mei, Celestial Being now knows where the Veda is. The system, Veda was developed and believed to holds powerful information about the plan of Aoelia. Ribbon, the leader of Innovator killed Regetta who attempted to murder him so as to assume the leadership position of the world. But little did she realized that Ribbon seems invincible. After the Ribbon was killed, another Ribbon appeared and Regetta was finished by Ali Al-Saachez.

The plot now brings you to space where the battle between Celestial Being and the A-Laws as they were intervened when they are on route for Veda. As the battle ensued, Kati Mannequin led a group of regular military troop to assist the Celestial Being along side with Kataron, the Anti-Earth Federation Militants. As the battle were taking place, a strong beam blasted there way and destoryed numerous ships and Mobile Suits.

As the optical stealth was deactivated, Ribbon’s big mother ship was revealed. As the Gundams and Ptolemy were on their way to infiltrate the ship in the hope to capture Veda and end this war created by the Innovators once and for all, Mannquein, Kataron and the anti-government forces went together to assist the Celestial Being. As the episode 23 ends, Gumdam 00 Raiser were confronted with the Mobile Suits pilot by Louise Harlevy. As Saji was asking why, Tierie Erde had sucessful moved towards Veda and met with Ribbons.

For the exciting Gundam 00 Second Season episodes 21, 22 and 23, visit this review page for the direct link to the online animation series streaming.

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