In episode 3, Gundam Meister were in bid to save their comrade, Allelujah Haptism. Setsuna (Gundam 00), the new lockon (Cherudim) and Teria (Seravee) set off in their new Gundam to the facility where Allelujah, the original pilot of Kyrios. And of course, they brought his new Gundam along, Arios. In the midst of the rescue misssion, Setsuna set off within a limited period of time in rescuing Marina Ismail, the First Princess of the Kingdom of Azadistan. It does seems that both of them are somewhat connected but refusal to believe that they like each other.
Anyway, during the rescue Allelujah had an episode within the facility which he found the girl whom he met in the special human project, where child were being tested and developed into super human with quantum waves. It does seems at this juncture, Allelujah had lost his quatum waves. The Lieutenent whom known to Allelujah formerly as Marie Perfacy somewhat recollected down the memory lane in flashbacks while Allelujah had no time to wait and boarded Arios and the mission was a success.
The new Lockon is actually Gene-1, a member of the rebel forces, a faction against the idea of Earth Federation’s forceful unification campaign, Kataron. He had also capitalized on being part of the Celestial Being to assist in Kataron’s effort against the Federation.
For direct streaming link of Gundam 00 Season 2, episode 3, visit this review page.
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