When the man at the top for Homeland Security says he has a gut feeling it makes me have one too. It’s that feeling of unease and fear for the future. Not because of a terrorist attack itself but what our own government may do. FDR said we have nothing to fear but fear it self. A truer statement could never have been made than that. Fear is self defeating, draining physically and emotionally.
I would not try state that there is no likely hood of another terrorist attack in this country. Terrorism is not a new phenomenon. It has and will go on throughout the world for numerous reasons. That is why the term War on Terrorism becomes the Never Ending War.
The real reason for this article is to state mans truest fears. My gut feeling is that most people in the world and in particular at this point the United States has more pressing true fears than a terrorist attack. What do my family, friends, and acquaintances fear? They fear for loss of jobs. They fear for losing their home. They fear because they have no health insurance. They fear that they may not be able to feed their family. Americans fear as most people that they may not be able to maintain the basic human needs.
Why do these fears creep into you and take control? Look at the news and it only tells you part of the picture. Ask the average American about his job, if he has one. How many people have lost their jobs to outsourcing? How many have lost their job due to illegal immigrants? How many are not counted on the unemployment report because their benefits ran out or they could never collect to begin with (i.e. ex. small business owners). How many Americans are working for less than at their last job?
Those fears for the basic necessities for life are the true essence of the gut wrenching feeling most Americans are having. Now add to that, the fear; though whispered is fear of our own government. Since our present administration has taken hold we as Americans has seen a growing preponderance of laws, acts, and orders that shake the very foundation of this nation.
What freedoms we have not lost already can be stripped away at any moment. Everything has been set in place for marshal law and numerous other mechanisms to bring about a police state.
And just to make things complete we have an invasion into our country by illegal immigrants.
When is the last time you were on the phone, at a store, or public building and felt you were in another country? Yes my gut feeling is like most Americans the fear that things are only going to get worse. My fear is not just for myself or my family, but for our Nation. My gut feeling tells me, enough is enough. Corporate greed, politics, and globalization must change or I fear our great nation will cease to exit any more.