Hailee Steinfeld steals the show in True Grit the movie

The only saving grace was the film debut of a new Hollywood starlet Hailee Steinfeld, who you will absolutely fall in love with right away. Her performance in True Grit was in many ways extraordinary.

OK so I finally saw the movie “True Grit” the other day on DVD.

I must admit I was a little disappointed in the movie. But then again nothing can compare to the original 1968 version starring John Wayne (the Duke) as “Rooster” and Kim Darby as Mattie Ross, in my opinion.

The only saving grace was the film debut of a new Hollywood starlet “Hailee Steinfeld”, who you will absolutely fall in love with right away. Her performance in the film was in many ways extraordinary.

I suppose I should say Jeff Bridges plays the part of a “drunkard” extremely well through out the entire film.

Matt Damon also plays the part of a creepy “half wit” Texas Ranger who likes to stare at and hit on little 14 year old girls throughout the movie with exceptional talent – almost like it comes natural to him?

The movie is not for the faint of heart however.

With many disturbing things going on during the course of the entire movie.

If your at all terrified of such things as “falling corpses, deep dark holes (falling into them), snakes, acts of extreme cruelty to animals and seeing someone get shot in the face” – then this movie is probably not for you or the little kiddies.

It’s definitely adult content here.

In one tender scene, in the movie Rooster (played by Jeff Bridges) carries a snake bit Mattie (Hailee Steinfeld) in the direction of help – after he rides “little Blacky”  to death in the process, then casually blows his brains out afterwards.

The in the end Mattie loses an arm up to the elbow and Rooster dies in melodramatic fashion…

I give it three stars, but only for the remarkable performance of Miss. Hailee Steinfeld, a young actress who the people can’t stop talking about.

Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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