“Based on specific intelligence about presence of terrorists in Laragam area of Shopian, a joint operation was launched at about 6 PM yesterday and contact was established. In the ensuing encounter, two local terrorists, namely Ishfaq Ahmed Chopan @ Mithu of Harmen and Khurshid Ahmed Itoo of Reban, were killed. An INSAS rifle and one AK-56 rifle were recovered from their possession. These persons were reportedly involved in the injuring of two policemen at Yaripora, Kulgam on 07 March and snatching of their weapons.” The operations ended at 10:30 AM today morning”,
“In another operation at Sopore which started today morning, Chotta Karimullah of Pakistan, reportedly a Division Commander of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen was killed and an AK Rifle recovered. Being a built up area, it was imperative that no civilian brethren were hurt,” he added.
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