All medical conditions are symptoms of a person not being in harmony and balance with the universe or a higher power. If a person is not nurtured, they live in fear and lack loving encouragement. They stay immature. Addiction and other illnesses are only a symptom of a deeper problem, a spiritual wake up call.
“And when the truth is known that healing, or the power to throw off disease and get well, is wholly within the subconscious and is personal, we will know that curing and palliating by the administration of remedies—drugs, serums, vaccines, surgery, feeding to keep up the strength, etc.—are superfluous, meddlesome, and on the order of throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery”, sates Dr. John H. Tilden in his book, "Toxemia, The Basic Cause of Disease”.
Einstein said that you could not solve a problem on the same level that it was created; you need a higher power. When a person heals the trauma, or dis-ease with love to dispel the fear, there are no more symptoms, addiction, or other ailments. You have to heal the root cause that started the dis-ease. Regression Therapy successfully addresses the cause of the condition of the client to release the fearful experience and replace it with love. This offers a new basis for life.
Love heals and creates balance in our lives, emotionally. There is no chemical imbalance when you are living in love and centered, which is reality. The choice is not to run away from reality by drugging yourself into dying through illness and medications. A chemical imbalance only is a symptom. Love is a better choice to fill the inner void, not drugs or any other toxic replacement. There needs to be a basis for life in truth, love, and honesty.
The choice to have healthy responsive behaviors of loving yourself is the only solution that really works. The lesson is to look inside for the truth. No one else can really love you, but you and your higher self. When you love yourself as you “wanted” your parents to love you, you will thrive. If a person wants to change badly enough they will not look for other people, illnesses, or drugs to hide emotionally. It starts with a decision to love their self.
Not all the research in the world will fill the void of missing feeling cared. We need to create a society based in unconditional love. It is all about outgrowing the fears especially from childhood, trauma, and abusive experiences and lovingly grow into maturity.
The forthcoming book, “Secrets to Love and Living; Let the Real You Out” is all about healing all problems naturally from the root cause of the emotional trauma. Society needs to return to compassionately supporting all people no matter what the conditions. Addictions and other medical problems will dispel when replaced with total love. The light of love will diminish the darkness of separation from a basis of care. People free of alcohol, poisonous pills, and other toxic medical solutions have a healthy, rational, and sane life. Mature people are healthy citizens.
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