We all want to live the healthiest life possible. Nobody wants to encourage unhealthy habits. Of course there are other components to overall health that are important, for instance, keeping up to date with doctor appointments and your overall well-being. This can include taking vitamins from companies, like Shatavari, doing your daily exercise, or simply taking on meditation in the mornings to start the day, etc. What it really boils down to at the end of the day is diet. To put it in simpler terms, we can exercise all we want, but if we continue to fuel our bodies with unhealthy fats and sugars that take far longer for our bodies to process, then we will not see our best results as quickly – if ever – as if we ate a healthy, balanced diet.
It can be difficult to know just what dietary habits to incorporate to get the best results the quickest way, without skimping. We have all been guilty of wanting fast and easy results without putting in the work. Put simply, true and lasting results do not come that easy. To get the best results, we must be willing and able to go all out, doing everything we can to secure the best results for ourselves and our bodies – and our bodies will thank us accordingly.
Make your plate as colourful as possible
When making meals, whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, many of us often fall into the trap of loading our plates up with half protein, and the rest of the plate with starchy vegetables or unhealthy fats and sugars. And then we wash it down with a sugary drink and wonder why we aren’t losing weight, or perhaps we start gaining weight. Instead of focusing more on protein and less on the rest of the meal, try allotting half of your meal to organic vegetables (these are often the most colorful – onion, capsicum, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, kale, etc), then a quarter meat protein (if any), and finally, a grain or healthy addition of some sort.
Shop in the outer aisles, or the farmers’ market
When you go to do your grocery shopping, going to the local supermarket can be a temptation in and of itself. With so many unhealthy “treats” staring us directly in the face, we can easily fall “off the wagon”. Shopping in the outer aisles of the grocery store works wonders. This is often where all the fresh produce, and unprocessed foods are – save for rice, whole wheat pasta, etc. Or better yet, if you have the time, do your shopping at the local farmers’ market. Not only are you supporting local farmers, but your produce will be devoid of nasty chemicals that the big-chain supermarkets use on their products. Often, it is even a lot cheaper, and if it is not, at least it is healthier.
Prepare meals ahead of the busy week
Meal prep is often times a great tool in battling obesity, and again eating unhealthy in general. The first tip, do it on a full stomach! Just like you should avoid grocery shopping while hungry, it’s best to prep your meals immediately after eating a hearty one. This will lower your temptations to increase portion size, or include unhealthy ingredients like butter and salt. This is also a great way to plan budget-friendly meals for the whole week. There’s nothing better than saving money and time, all while losing weight.