Heaviest man holds big wedding

 Manuel Uribe was taken to his wedding on the bed he has been unable to leave for the last six years, towed by a truck, in his home town of Monterrey.

The 43-year-old tipped the scales at 560kg (88 stones) in 2006, but has since shed around 250kg (39 stones).

A tearful Mr Uribe married Claudia Solis, 38, in a ceremony filmed by a US TV channel.

Mr Uribe earlier told reporters: "I’m very happy this is a really special day for me. God has permitted this day to arrive and for a beautiful woman like Claudia to marry me. We will start a new adventure together."

No cake

Mr Uribe’s custom-made bed was decorated with a canopy, flowers and gold-trimmed bows at it was towed by a truck through the streets of Monterrey to a local hall for the civil service, the Associated Press news agency reported.

He wore a white silk shirt and a sheet wrapped around his legs, while his bride wore a strapless ivory dress and tiara.

Instead of a first dance, the pair are reported to have sat together, holding hands and swaying to the song.

Mr Uribe’s mother, Orquedia Garza, said her son had steered clear of the five-tiered wedding cake – a vow he made when he announced his engagement at the start of the month.

"He didn’t break his diet," she told the AP. "His doctors are here and they are watching him closely."

Manuel Uribe, a former mechanic, entered the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s heaviest man when he weighed 560kg – the weight of a small truck.

He has since been following the Zone Diet – consisting of a strict formula of carbohydrates, proteins and fats – which has enabled him to nearly halve his body weight. However, he remains unable to walk.

He met Claudia four years ago and the couple were engaged for the last two years.

The wedding was filmed by the Discovery Channel for a forthcoming documentary. 

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