Heavy fighting breaks out between rival gangs in tribal Pakistan

Alleged chief of car lifters gang Syed Amir Charg is killed by Taliban extremists in tribal area of Dara Adam Khel, at a fourty kilometers distance from Kohat district of NWFP Pakistan, soon after the death of Syed Amir Charg, war between his gang and Taliban extremists was broke out, both sides are entrenched and using heavy weapons, due to heavy fighting in Dara Adam Khel tribal area Kohat Peshawer road is closed for traffic since yesterday, so far unconfirmed figures have revealed that during recent skirmishes between both rival factions five persons are killed. Dara Adam Khel tribal area is located between Peshawer and Kohat district of NWFP Pakistan, road link of Kohat with Peshawer is still cut off due to heavy fighting between, gang members of deceased Syed Amir and Taliban extremists.

On Indus Highway bus stop near Soor Gul village of Kohat Jamshid ur Rehman of Kyber Rifles is killed by unknown persons, his companion Farooq of Khyber Rifles is injured, both were going to continue their duty in Landi Kotal tribal area near Pak Afghan border, when unknown killers have opened fire on both of them with fire arms.

According to Major General Waheed of ISPR, operation against militants in Meeran Shah area of North Waziristan was started at five o’clock in the morning and was ended at 9: am, during the operation Cobra helicopters and artillery is used against the militants, guilty of attacking Pak Army troops from their hide outs in Meeran Shah.

Four Judges in Paktika province of Afghanistan are killed by Taliban extremists, they were kidnapped from Ghazni, deceased judges were part of judiciary of Paktika province in Afghanistan, AFP has revealed that.

Submitted by

Abdur Raziq

Abdur Raziq: My qualification is M.phil US Study (International Relation-History), since long I am contributing to Pakistan's English dailies. In 1988 I came to USA to study US Election Campaign, was awarded with Honorary Citizenship of Lincoln Nebraska USA, I had delivered lectures on US, British and Pakistan's constitution in a law college for seven years, have worked as Principal of a college of education for three years, have worked in International Organization for Migration as Asisstant Voter Education Officer during Afghan Presidential elections, have also worked as Researcher and Provincial Coordinator in Governance Institutions Network International Islamabad Pakistan. I am also a regular contributor to Associated Press of Pakistan, and AFP.
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