Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Is A Killer. Sunburn Can Lead To Cancer Later In Life.
The liver is the chief chemist for the body and when things get gummed up; the rest of the endocrine system has to take up the slack. The liver is supplied with blood through the portal vein. When the liver is congested, a back pressure occurs in the entire venous system. When this occurs, pressure is increased in the veins and blood pressure rises along with other problems. This rise in pressure can easily be detected with a simple test, it doesn’t involve expensive lab tests or procedures, and you can do it by yourself at home in front of a mirror.
Using a thumb or finger, press down on the skin between the shoulder blades with your back toward a mirror so you can see the area, or have someone else press the spot for you. If a white or blanched spot remains after the finger is removed, it’s an indication of venous pressure, or plethora. When pressure is normal, no spot remains. The longer the white spot remains, the sooner you need to see your health care provider. The test can be done on other areas such as the legs or chest but the back is best.
Some years ago I discovered this same technique worked for determining if I was getting sunburned. If you’re getting burned, or are about to, the white spot will remain when the finger is removed. The longer the white spot remains, the worse the burn will be. This can be done wherever you suspect sunburn.
An increase in venous pressure can indicate the liver and kidneys, which are filters for the blood, are not able to cope with sudden or long ongoing intoxication. Greater strain is put on the heart because of the high toxemia of the bloodstream, and the increased effort required to pump the blood. The kidneys and liver degenerate because of the congestion in the blood. Much can be done but there are many factors involved.
The usual cause, according to clinical reports and studies, is dietary. The more junk you eat, the more junk is in the blood. This leads to congestion and the weak link, kidneys, liver or heart, is compromised or fails. Prevention beats spending time on a dialysis (kidney) machine.
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