High time to work under one umbrella:JFKPO

Jammu, April 23 (Scoop News) – The Joint Forum of KP Organisations (JFKPO) on Monday in a special meeting expressed their keen desire to work for the unity of all Kashmiri Pandit political forces. This is the High time to  work under one umbrella. Every Kashmiri Pandit knows that only Political solution of KP’s is Homeland.

In this connection The Joint Forum of KP Organizations organized a special meeting today to review the recent developments concerning the Kashmiri Pandit community. The meeting was attended among others by Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President-PK, H.L.Chatta, General Secretary-ASKPC, D.N.Kissu, Chairman-NCMCC, R.K.Raina, Senior Vice President-ASKPC, Virender Raina, Spokesperson-Joint Forum, Ramesh Kaul, Prof. G.L.Kaul, Subhash Chatta, J.L.Kaul, Bharat Bhushan Bhat, B.L.Handoo and Ravinder Punjabi.


In the days preceding today’s meeting, a number of KP groups were approached and asked to join the Joint Forum in order to give a unified response to the challenges ahead. In order to further streamline the process of unity, a three member committee was formed that would approach all likeminded groups in the near future.




The activists took strong exception to the recent actions of all those individuals who recently met the separatist leaders in Kashmir under the garb of KP delegation.


The participants expressed satisfaction over the response of the Joint Forum to these activities. The community members were cautioned that some ‘seminar circuits’ are active in the market and are organizing the so-called civil society get-togethers, and in that garb are pushing the secessionist agenda. The KP individuals who participate in such activities are only cannon-fodder in the larger designs of agencies hell bent to dilute the core KP agenda. Activities of these handful individuals bring insult to the pride of the community.  The displacement and resettlement of the community in Kashmir are very serious political issues and cannot be trivialized by holding discussions with separatists who are responsible for ethnic cleansing of the Pandits.

The speakers lauded all those Apex Committee members who boycotted the recently held meeting of the committee. The approach of the government was severely criticized for its authoritarian stance that ‘members would be dismissed in future for abstaining for more than two meetings’. The Apex Committee members participating in the meeting said that they would defy the diktat of the government and would go to any lengths to protect the interests of the community. Serious concern was expressed over the deteriorating condition of temples and shrines in Kashmir and an urgent need to protect them from the land mafia and others vested interests was felt.

The recent moves of some individuals and groups to offer their own models for the resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir in the form of so-called townships are totally rejected by the community. A unanimous opinion was expressed that the only solution for the resettlement of KPs in Kashmir is in their own separate homeland with free and full flow of Indian constitution. The government in the meanwhile needs to undertake massive confidence building measures to give succor to the community.

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