History and Health Benefits Of Whiskey

Forget the wheel, whiskey comes a close second best if we were to create a list of the best inventions. Whiskey warms you up, relaxes your muscles and actually has medicinal properties.

Back in the 20th century and centuries before, it was used as a cleansing product for wounds. If you look at the long legacy of whiskey, you’ll agree with us when we say Whiskey has a lot of purposes.

Mark Twain is captured saying that too much good whiskey is not nearly enough and anyone who’s had the chance of enjoying fine single-malt scotch will agree with him. Although we love our whiskey, we caution drinking responsibly.

But why whiskey, not anything else?

Below we share the reasons why whiskey is the only alcoholic drink you should think about.

“Uisge Beatha” is a Gaelic word that translates to water of life. Due to cross trading between many communities and cultures, the word was pronounced usky and later whiskey. So whiskey is the water of life.

So much so that the greatest people to live in this world in the 20th century swore by the drink. Winston Churchill, The English Prime Minister, credited with leading the Allies to win World War Two was a whiskey lover.

He had a drink to soothe his nerves during war briefings. Sensational Jazz god Frank Sinatra used to say Alcohol is man’s worst enemy but the bible says you should love your enemy and he was buried with a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.

So whenever you drink a glass or bottle of whiskey, you are in the same league as the great men and women in yesterday’s and today’s societies.

Spoilt For Choice

Whiskey is both patriotic and very diverse. Single-Malt Whiskey brands number more than 5000. A wide range of brands to enjoy over a lifetime. There is Scotch and Irish Whisky, Canadian Whisky, Tennessee Whisky, Rye Whisky and Bourbon.

Patriots know which whiskey comes from where and stick to their brand. Whiskey produced in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee are known as Bourbon. Bourbon is a name give to whiskeys produced only in the US. Scottish, Irish and Canadian whiskeys are either blended or sold in single-malt forms.

Fortunately for as little as $15 to a high of $1500 you can get single malts aged for up to 12 years and blends that may just do the trick!

Medicinal Purposes

Trying to stay healthy while not consuming large quantities of expensive and often unnecessary items can be hard these days. Even in the 21st century, whiskey can be used to heal that annoying scratchy sore throat, flu or cold and clear a stuffy nose. Mix some hot water, whiskey, lemon juice and honey to create a concoction to relieve the symptoms.

The whiskey will dilate the blood vessels allowing the mucus membrane to have an easier time fighting off the infection. Other than relieving sickness, whiskey is a delicious brand of alcohol. The layers upon layers of flavor, the caramel and vanilla hints as it travels down your throat are some of the aspects that whiskey is a beloved brand for many.

Whiskey is also very easy on the waistline and unlike beer does not contain a sizable portion of carbs. There have even been studies by Dr. Jim Swan indicating that whiskey may have some anti-cancer properties as it contains more ellagic acid than red wine.

From a study in 2003, it was found that people who had consumed whiskey in moderation had lower instances of dementia compared to those who had none at all. It also reduces your risk of stroke as it prevents the buildup of cholesterol which lowers your chances of stroke. And it has the ability to relax the walls of your arteries which also lowers your chance of stroke.

The few facts above should give you a reason to open that whiskey bottle for medicinal purposes. Savor the drink as you reminisce in James Joyce words “The light music of whiskey falling into a glass is a satisfying interlude.”

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